Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> o Add new or amended projects (limited number) <br /> Adopted 2018-2027 STIP SnapShot (photo) <br /> Transportation Decision Making Process SPOT 5.0 (chart) <br /> SPOT to STIP (chart) <br /> Chair Dorosin said a more basic primer is needed, as this whole process is trying to get <br /> projects funded by DOT. He said the County does not build roads, and does not contribute <br /> funding. <br /> Craig Benedict said the County can contribute 20% to bike and pedestrian projects, <br /> and some of the data driven scoring criteria can evolve if local governments can acquire right <br /> of ways or help with design work. <br /> Chair Dorosin said the options to get things done in Orange County is to take steps to <br /> enhance scores through this process, or fund projects with County funds. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said they did talk about sidewalks and pedestrian access, and <br /> whether this should be part of the budget process with matching funds. He said a lot of these <br /> projects are not in the County's jurisdiction, and DOT will not allow a sidewalk in their right of <br /> way in rural areas, nor will they maintain it. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said DOT members attend MPO meetings, but the County does <br /> not have a policy about sidewalks, rather everything is ad hoc. He said they also talked about <br /> projects that are not high in the queue, and looking at County plans over the last 10 to 15 <br /> years that propose transportation improvements that have totally fallen off the radar. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said Orange County is getting the short end of the stick at both <br /> MPOs, and this needs to improve. <br /> Commissioner Rich agreed. <br /> Commissioner Price said there are four counties involved with Triangle Area Rural <br /> Planning Organization (TARPO), and there was an agreement to split up projects so each <br /> county gets some projects. She said they also need to work with DOT staff. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said, when rural planning organizations were formed over 10 <br /> years ago, Orange County decided not to let the Durham-Chapel Hill MPO take the entire <br /> County as the rural interests would fall to the bottom of the list. He said Orange County is <br /> involved with TARPO, DCHC MPO and the Burlington-Graham MPO. <br /> Andy Henry, DCHC MPO, made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> Today's Objective <br /> Understand role of Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Plan Organization (DCHC MPO). <br /> Understand role of Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and how to review it. <br /> Provide any feedback to DCHC MPO and Orange County staff. <br /> What is the DCHC MPO? <br /> **Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization <br /> - Responsible for long range transportation planning in Durham City and County, and <br /> Parts of Orange County and Chatham County. <br /> - Federal mandate — MPO must plan and approve use of federal transportation funding <br /> - Policy Board -- Composed mostly of local elected officials from member jurisdictions <br /> and counties: <br />