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Another major factor affecting the schools' requests is start up costs for new schools — Gravelly <br />Hill Middle School opens for 2006 -07 in the Orange County Schools system and Carrboro High <br />School is slated to open for 2007 -08 in the Chapel Hill- Carrboro City Schools system. <br />Also impacting the school funding picture in important ways are anticipated changes in student <br />membership for 2006 -07. The State Department of Public Instruction's certified membership <br />projections (the County's statutorily established basis for allocating per pupil funding) include <br />an increase of 338 students for CHCCS and a decrease of 22 students for OCS, compared to <br />the March 2005 DPI certified student projections. <br />Accompanying this agenda abstract are the requested budget documents submitted by the two <br />boards of education, and various handouts related to school funding,. <br />c. Additional Staff Resources <br />During departmental budget discussions with the Manager in Spring 2006, a number of <br />department heads identified the need for additional staff resources they feel are necessary to <br />carry out certain Board initiatives or to ensure that service to Orange County citizens can be <br />delivered at an acceptable level. Not all of these needs can be addressed in the 2006 -07 <br />budget, and some will need to be considered for phasing in over a period of several years. <br />Staff will provide a handout at this work session that will help guide discussion with the Board <br />about additional staff resources that may be needed at the beginning of or during the course of <br />FY 2006 -07, and potentially in future years. <br />d. Employee Pay and Benefits <br />The Manager's Recommended Budget will include proposed increases in both the in -range and <br />cost of living components of employee salaries in recognition of the importance of maintaining a <br />strong and competitive pay package as well as the significant impacts that energy costs and <br />other inflationary factors are having on employees' purchasing power. The Manager and <br />Personnel Director will review with the Board during this work session important pay and benefit <br />considerations for the next fiscal year. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: As outlined in accompanying or previously distributed reports or <br />handouts, and during the Manager's and staffs presentations. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss issues related to <br />the 2006 -07 budget and provide appropriate direction to the Manager and staff. <br />