Orange County NC Website
specific barriers that need to be addressed if future fair housing initiatives are to be <br />successful. <br />Orange County <br />Orange County's Al will include an analysis of pertinent census data, prior and current activities <br />to promote fair housing, private market issues that impact sale and rental of housing such as <br />business location, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data analysis and a review of public <br />policies which affect the provision of fair housing. The consultant will supplement <br />housing /economic data collection and analysis with stakeholder and advocate surveys, <br />discussion, and field visits to elucidate concerns, opinions, and observations. Al will address <br />data and findings strategic to all municipalities and the unincorporated areas of the County. <br />2006 Al RFP Process <br />Orange County Purchasing Department released a request for proposals to six prospective <br />firms and advertised the proposal on its website. Two proposals were received from the <br />following firms: <br />• Donald B Eager & Associates of Lancaster, Ohio <br />• J -Quad & Associates, LTD of Dallas, Texas <br />The Directors of Human Rights and Relations and Housing conducted a thorough review of the <br />two proposals. After reviewing the proposals, the group unanimously chose Eager and <br />Associates (Eager). Eager has conducted AI's in North Carolina and one of Eager's AI's <br />received a HUD Best Practice Award, Eager's timeline for completion was month shorter than <br />the other vendor. In 2003, Eager conducted an analysis of HMDA data for the county. Eager <br />and Associates total cost to conduct the study is $7,500 and includes all travel and lodging <br />expenses. Contacted references provided positive feedback regarding quality and timeliness of <br />Eager's work. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated value of this contract is approximately $7,500. The HUD <br />Partnership Initiative Grant received by the Human Rights and Relations Department completely <br />covers the cost of the contract. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: The Manager recommends that the Board: 1) award a contract to <br />Donald B Eager & Associates of Lancaster, Ohio in the amount of $7,500 to conduct an <br />Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice study; and 2) authorize the County Manager to <br />execute the resulting agreement, contingent upon final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />