Orange County NC Website
Ii. 71m AWlmr shall ale wish the Loral 6vvemmem Commission two ropim of dle repvn of audl4 indvding one copy of the <br />federal Dnm Coliccdon Form, if v federal single audit is mnducmd In addition, if the Nonh Cnmlina 06ee of We $mte Auditor <br />desigvavs certain pmgmms to he ¢udiL•d m rwjur pmgmms, v one page tumamund document vnd ¢ represmmdon Irneroddmssed <br />m the $mte Attdlmrshvll be submited to the Loral Government Commission, <br />hvo eopim of the report of vudit shnuld he submined iCthe audit is performed only under the pmvisione of We $mm SinGle Avdit <br />Implemmmdan Am or v finmeiol audit is rcqulmd to be pertarmed in accordaaee with Government Auditine SmndaNs. <br />Otherwise, ooe copy shall be submitted, Copies ofthe mpon shall 6ciiled with dse L.ocol Gwemment Commission when (err prior <br />m) submitting she invoice for dre servicrs mndemd Ali coplm of the mpon suhmirmd must be bound. The mpon of oudir, as filed <br />wide the Sevet¢ry aC the Loral Government Commissinn, beeomm ^ motto of public reeoN tar Inapemion and mview in the <br />officm of the Secmmry by tiny iaterrsrad emirs Any subsequent revisions m these reports muss 6e sera m the Seaemry of the <br />Loral Govcmmcnt Commission, These nuJimd financivl smtemmts om used in We pmpamdm of Ofli~l Smscmrnts for debt <br />o(fedngs, by municipal bond mdng services, vnd to tu1GI1 seenndvry market disdasum mquisemmm of the Severities and <br />Ezclmnge Commission <br />12 Should eimumstnnees disclosed by the oudir mil for o mart derailed invmtigadan 6y she Auditor than necessary undo oNimry <br />dmusnsmvca, she Audior shall inform the Governing Booty in writing of We need for such oddidanol invv(igalion and dm <br />addilionvl mmpeMOtim mqulmd dmmtorc Upon vppmval by the 5eemrary of the Lomi Govemmmt Commission, Ihis agmemenl <br />mvy be varied or ehmged m include the inamsed lime and/or rompmmdan as may be ogmed upon 6y dm Govcmin6 -oaN and <br />the Audilae <br />17. if an oppmved contract needs to 6e varied err changed 6r any reason, the change must 6c induced ra writing, signed 6y 6orh <br />nanim, prmudited it ncrrssnry, md~submitled m the Secretary of the Lomi Govemmmt Commission for appmvai. No chvnec <br />I-0. Whenever the Auditor uses m engngcmm[ tdiCr wide dm dimL ticm IS may 6e completed 6y mfemncin6 the engagement Icaer <br />and nMCfiing a copy of she engagement icav so the mnuna to incogaomle the enpvgemmt letter inm the contract In case of <br />ronnirt belwem the fcrrru of We engagement Idly and the tams of this convect, the scans of Ibis convect will contras. <br />Engagemen[leuv tcrrrss vin deemed m be void unless dm emnlaing tams of dris eavwe[nm speri6mtly ddcted in hem 21 of <br />this eanlmcL Engvgaoml Icttva canmmin6 indemnihmtivn elausm will not be approved by dm Laml Govemmmt Commission. <br />I5. 7lrac vin no spmivi provisionsumpL <br />See attached engagement latter. <br />IG, A sepmale mnwct shnuld nvl 6e mode for inch division to be vudimd or sport to 6e submitted, A sepvmm mnwct must be <br />exmmed for mcfi eomponmt unit wbi:h a a ivml govemmentavd for whicb n cepnmfe vudit report is issued <br />17.. The etsnuam ahauld he exmuted anti evbmitled in Irinlimte so the Seaemry of Use Loeol Gavernmmt Commtssinn, 33 North <br />Sdisbury Street, -nleigh,NoNt Camlioo27693.13g5. <br />1 G. Upon nppmwl, the vrigiml mntma will be mtumed m ilm Govcrnmmrai Unit. a ropy veil) 6e forwaNa! to the Audisor, and v <br />ropy mm{n:al by Ifie Seeremry of ilm L.aml Government Gmmission. Th tit h Id t b• tinned hefnm the evnhncs is <br />esnmved <br />19. Than am no ail¢r ogmemmts between the parties hemm and no other agmemenu mladvc fimcm tlmt slmll he enfvmmbL• unlms <br />enlacd into in acmnlnn¢ with fbe pmmdumaet out fiemin and oppmved by We Scvemry otille Laml Government Cvrtvnission. <br />?a. fffhis nuditmgvgwent'unvl suhjedm CwcmmeM Audlinr, 5sendnrds, dseo 7msn5shvil be iistedmvddeled pmvisivn in tram <br />3i.. An estplanodan muri be glom fmddedn6 ills provision <br />? i. NI of dse above pamgrapbS vin underriwd and shall vppty to Ulis vgreement, mmpt the followin6 numbered paragraphs vhWi be <br />ddcted: (Sea Item id.) N/A <br />Chefry, Bekaert & Holland, L L P. <br />(I'Imse type arprint nvmej <br />(Signntum ofmWorimd audit firm mpmsenmdvej <br />Dole ~^ ~' J <br />Appmvcd 6y the Srnaary of the Inmi Dvvcmmml <br />Commissivv vs pmvidcd In Asdde 7. Cbapta 15- of the <br />Gmcml Smrmm err Anicte 11, Pm ], Cbaprm IISC a(rhe <br />nmaai Smwsn <br />Forthc Sevemry, Loral Gavemmenl Commission <br />($ignomm) <br />By <br />(Plmse type orprinlnvme vnd sine <br />(Sigmtum of vvnror CM'mersnn ofgovanin6 hoard) <br />Dote <br />ey <br />(Chairpesxon ofAUdil Cvmudum (I'Ime type vrpdnt name) <br />(Signarsrrc of Audit Comminec Chvirperson) <br />Dale <br />(Ifunis dots not bnvem audit commiuca tbu sadvn shmld be <br />mmkcd•N/A7 <br />Thu imwmmt fins b:m prmudilvd in the manna rcquimd by Thc <br />Loral Govaurtrnr -udga and Fuml Gmml An or by dm School <br />gudda vnd Fsml Cnnvol Atv <br />Gvvcmmavmi Unil Finmm ORmr (Pirmc rye: orpdm nom:) <br />(Signnmre) <br />Dom <br />(prmudit Cerll-mtc mint be doted) <br />a1 <br />