Orange County NC Website
LGC-cos prrv. utn~on CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS <br />FHrinrdpnat` of Orange County Sportsplex <br />Govsmmmm7 Unil /~ <br />On IkSs aid day of April 2006 Chvry, Helmrtt &UagunJ, L.LP., l~ <br />2626 Glenwood Avenue, Susie 366, Raleigh, Nndh CHroI(na 27666 nudhar 6+~YYY"' <br />Mailing Addrus <br />hcminafier referred to os <br />the Audimr, and the County Commissimcrs of Dmngc County . hcminaficr mFencd <br />Gavcming Ham! GovemmeN¢I Unil <br />m as the Govemmenml Unit, ngmc us follows: <br />i. The AUJimrsholi audit Nl ssntemmts and disdosutes rtquimd by gemm~lly nmepledvccormling pdnciplo mdodditiomlrequlrcd <br />legal smmmmts and discimmes of nil funds mdfar divisions o! the Govemmmml Unit for the period begiming <br />oecembv 16 . 2HH$ and ending tuveso onus .The, mnnvgement's dimussion and noalysis, <br />nm•mnjor combining, and indiviJml fund smlemenm and schedules shell be subjected to the vudiUng pro«dures applied in the <br />audit oFlhc bosie financial riutmnmts end on opinion will be rendered in minion to (as nppiimbiej Um govcmmenlni nedvitles, the <br />business-type adiviUrs, the ogh'rcgnte dtscmNly prcsenled mmponml colts, nick motor gavemmrnml and micrprise fund, and Um <br />nggregvle mmoining Pond informnlion (nonmvJorgovernmcnt and enterprise Fundsn the imemol servim Fund type, and dm HUurinry <br />Nod types). <br />'? Ain minimum, the Audimrshvli conduct his audit and mndcrbis report inamordunn sviW genemHy nempled vuditing smndnrils. <br />Thc Audimr shell perform the audit in amartlanm wWs G r Auditin ~ Sm dords if rtquired by the Smte Single Audit <br />Impiemenmtion Act, ns eodi0ed in G5. 159.34,. if mquirtd by OMB Cimulm A-133 and the Smte Single Audit lmpicmmmlion <br />Ae4 Um nudimr shall perform n Single Audit <br />3.. 77ds mnrmN commnplntu an mrq+mllfird apbdvn bring rtmdemd. if finnnciel riatemenls ass not pmpnmd in omadance svidt <br />generally neceptml ncam0ng princ(plrs (GMPj, or the stotemmts full to lactate ell disdosurts mquird by GAAP, upinin Wut <br />depnnum fmm GAAP {n We space blow: <br />None <br />d. ThQ mnlmel mnfamplararan nnrryalified apbdon bntng rendemd The audit slmll include such tests oF1he neeovoting mmnls and <br />such othd auditing pmcedurt as am mmidertd 6y the Auditm to be neersmry bl the rimumsmnces. Any Hmimnnrss or <br />rrsrrtedonr Inseopc uddrh unnld Ind ro o gnvhfimrton shaold 8e )ally crplulrrrdln nrr armchmmr ao rh[r eonwar. Thc audit aviil <br />have m snipe I'unimtivas exmpL• NSA <br />S. If this oudit m}ygemmt a mbject to the slmU¢NS far nadir as defined in Gavemmmt Aud'lina Smndnnis, issued by the <br />Comptmiler Gmeml of the United Smles, thco the AvUilor Swrrmts by nmepdng Ihia rngagcment Umt he/she has and the <br />rtquiremmtz fm v prat mview nod mnlinuing dlumdvn ns spedfied in Govemmml Avdilinn Stmdenls. Thc Auditor ogees to <br />provide o copy of their mori anent pm mview mpon m the Gavemmenmf Unit nod tfie Semewy of the Laml Gvvcmment <br />Commission ndwto the eaecutim ofthc audit mnlmd (see item?HJ <br />6. It is ogneed Wm time is of the essmce in skis matron, NI audits ore m he pafarmed mJ the mpon ofnuditsuhmitlml 6y <br />Octaber3l 2606 <br />7. It is ogcecd thvt genemliy vaapmd ouJidng smndorSs include n mview of the Govemmmmi Unit's system of imemni wntmi and <br />occouvdng ns same mintrs m acmunmbility of lords end ndlmrtnm to kuJgd and Inv requirtmmis applimbie Ihertm; ilsvr rite <br />Audimnvitl mule o vvrinen report, wOfds mvy ar may not be n pan oflhe vvrinen report ofnudi4 to the Gaveming Board selling <br />Pooh his findings, logetha wish b'ss recommmdndam For impmvemcnL 7bot svrinm mpon must imludc oil mnUcrs defined ns <br />"sepannbie conUlUvns" W AU 33 of the AICPA PmfesNnmi Strmdnrds.. Th A d1 shall fie n copy of that moon whh the <br />q Nry tike iami Gnvemment Cvmmissiaa <br />0. NI Ioml gavemmmt end public pufhodty mnimds far mnual or spraiol oudhs, bookkeeping or atha assismnce <br />pmpvm We Unif¢ meonk for audio fimneiol stnlement pmpomtian, any Cmvnm-mlvld invesligmtipm, or any odrrr <br />work in Um Smm of North Csralinn mquim Um oppmvol of rim Sevemry of Um Lnml Govemmenl Commission <br />tripiimte to the Secrdnry a(Um Lomi Govemmml Commission. Ttc original and one mpy svill be mlumed Io the AWhar. <br />AppmvN is not rtquimd on eontmds and invoices For rystem impmvemenu and similar services afonon-oudiilng nmum <br />9. in ennsldemdon of ilm svdsfudory performmm of Um provisions of this ngmemeN, Um Gavemmenmi Unit shall pay to ilm <br />Audim , upm appmvpl by the 5ecmmry of We Lornl Govrmmmt Commission, ti a follnwinn tee which includes my mri dm <br />Auditor may incur fmm work paper or peer mvimvs or any other quality osrvmnm pmgam mquimd by third panics (Fdlmnl nnU <br />Sm¢ grvmor and oversight ogmdes or aUmr vsganFmtivnsj m mquirtd undo the Federal and Smm Single Audit Aets: <br />Audit <br />vrdprcporatlen efdr Hmvwi nmcmmn • SUSga <br />!0, AFmreomplelinghisnudi4 the Auditor skull rvbmitmlhe Governing Bmsvln vvrittrn mpon afauJiL'This report skull indmle,N <br />Icvsl, Mmngemenl's Uumssion ant Analysis, the financivl smtemmts ofrhe govemmcnmi unit and all of its component colts nnJ <br />noses Ihertlo pmpnmd in vecodanm wish gmemliy viceepred accounting prindples, combining and supplementary inlommtion <br />mquesled by the dint or mquircd !or full disdosurc under the low, and the Auditor's opinion on Om mmeriul presented Tim <br />Auditor simli fumisk the rtquimd number of cvplrs of Um rgsvn of audit to the Gowning Bovrd os soon vs pmdimt nHm the <br />close of Um vmounting period. <br />