Orange County NC Website
'lire Audimr s6ni1 file wish the Lami Government Commission two topics o! the mpon aC nudi; including one mpy of We <br />fedemi Dam CvlkNOn Farm, lies federal single audit is conducted. In addNlan, lithe Nonit Gmlim DIHce of the Sink Audimr <br />designates certain progams m he vudikd a mvjvrproSmms, v one page mmomund document nod o rtpmsmmUon leucr addressed <br />m the Smte Audisorahvll be mbmined Io Um Local Government Comm¢sion.. <br />Two copies of We mpon of nadir should be eu6missed lithe nadir is performed only undcrihe pmvisiaa of the Sense Single Audit <br />[mplemmmrian A4 ar n frnmcini audit is mquirtd m 6e perfawcd in necardnnce with Gnvernmrnt Anditine Smndmds. <br />Otherwise, one copy shv116e m6mioed Copla of l6c mpon shall 6e fried rvith me Lace Govenment Commission wlkn [or pdor <br />so) suhmining Um invoice for the serviw tendered. All mpia o[ the mpon submined must fie bound Tim rtport ofnudis, ns Ned <br />with the Secmmry of she Loral Govwmens Cammissivn, buama o mono of puhlic record for irupa(ion and mvicw in Use <br />offices a! the SrarGnry by any Inkmskd parties. Any subsequent envisions to s6ac reports mat 6e sent to the Semcmry of the <br />Loal Government Commiuson These nudikd finwdvl sintemats nen used in the prepamdon of DHicial Skmmenu for debt <br />a(fedng; by munielpol band mdng services, and m fulfill secondary market disclasum mquienmenls of the Saudtia and <br />Exchange Cvmmiuivn <br />l2 Should cimunsWnaa dudoscd 6y Use audit mil fur o mom derailed invatiLmdan by We Audhor Umn naesmry undo ordinary <br />rirtamstanas, she Audimr s6ali infvnn she Governing Hoard in svddng of the need for such addidonnl invasigvUon and the <br />addhionvl compeavdan enquired thucfvm Upon appmval6y Uen Sattmry ofthe Lore) Government Commission, this ngenemen[ <br />may be ended ar changed m Include the inmeaed Ume vndlm mmpcaosion a envy 6e agrad upon by the Governing HooN and <br />the Auditor. <br />13. If an appmved eanw4 nods m 6c varied ar changed for any reason, the dmngc man be redumd m tvdling, signed by both <br />pvNes, pttvudild if neersvry, and suhmitled to the 6euclary of the Lvmi Gavrnvnen! Commission tor;nppmwl. Nn chance <br />Id, Nhenever the Auditor uses m engagement Icner with Um elirn; Lkm IS may be completed 6y rcfercncing the engagement 14kr <br />vnd amchin6 o mpY of the engagement kva to Um cvnwG to incorpomie Um engagement 141LI into the mnlmrl In eae of <br />canllim hetwem die temrs v[ Urt engagement lever and the terms of Ods cvntme4 the Iemts of this evnlm4 will eonwi. <br />Engagement 141er terms arc decmrd m be void unless We eunlii4ing krms of Utis eonwd arc spaigmlly deleted in Item 21 of <br />Wu contend. EngUgement IGters evnlnining indemnifimtioo douses will not he appmved by the Lval Government Cammiuivn. <br />I6, Thcm oen no spedd pmvisiva aeepe <br />See attached engagement letter, <br />t6, A sepamm wntract c vu d n 6e mode for each divlsian tv be audited or mpon l0 6e submined. A separate mnuad mat 6e <br />ueeuWl for ach mmpvnent unit which is o lomi government and far which v sepnmk audit rcpad is load. <br />17. Thn evovnet should 6e executed vnd submilkd in tdolirnrc m Um Sememry of the Lomi Government Commission, 3S Nudh <br />Salisbury 6tttet, Rale{gh, NvrW Corolinv Z76g1-13g6. <br />10. Upon approval, the original mnWd will be rcrusned m We Gavemmenml Unit. v copy will be forwarded Iv she Audimq and a <br />mpy mmiaed by she Secenmry of We Lnml Govemmem Cammiuion The nud't should not he sinned hefvrc the commd j6 <br />E41 m!' :~ <br />19. 'them me oo aihu agecmenk between the parties h4eiv vnd nv otbu vgwnmts rcla6ve herein mat simli he en(ottahle unless <br />minted torn In vavNmsa wish Urc pmcedurc set out hernia and appmved by the Hraemry of the Loral Government Commission, <br />2g, lfdds audit engogementanalsubjeetm Gnvemment AUditine SmndnNS, Uun lkm5shn11 be l'vtedanddeled pmvislvn in Item <br />21. An explvnadun must be given furdeledng Wis provision <br />ZI. Ali vF the above pamLmtphs vin undcrssavd vnd shell apply so this ngtamen; uapt the tviivwing numbed pamgmplu shell 6e <br />ddemd: (sea Item 14,) N/A <br />ey <br />(Pleae type m pdnl mmc and '! e <br />Cherry, Seknert & Holland, I.L.P. <br />(Please type orpdnt name) <br />(Sigmanvc ofvuthadsd audit firm enpmsenmdve) <br />n..,_ bf ~ (. ~ J L <br />Appmvrd by IM Scvvkry of the Lnmi Gvvemmms <br />CommUsion m pmvidcd in Aside 3, CWpia 154 of the <br />Gmeml gt4wa m Aside 3i. Pon 3, Clvpkr I ISC a! the <br />GmaalSmkks <br />For the Seeemry, Lvmi Gwcmmens Commiuion <br />(Signvmm) <br />Dine <br />(Signmum of Mnmror Chnimemon vfgmxming board} <br />Dy <br />(Clm'vpam vfAuditCOarvum (Plot ryp: vrpdnt mmc) <br />(Hignnnue ofAudil Cammilsc CTmigrmon) <br />Dntc <br />(Ifsmit dots rut hove vn audit mvvnitue, this scdlvu should be <br />muted "N/h.') <br />Tds inswmmi lus ban prcvudikd in she manna mgvimd by The <br />Lvml Guvcrtrtncm audSes and FsrW Cunwl An yr by nc~ 6chovi <br />Oudc4 vnd Fiscal Cumml A4. <br />Guvammmui Unll Flnmee Omar(Plase type arpdm nvmc) <br />(Sigmture) <br />~a <br />(Prenudil CufPale must be doled.) <br />