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DocuSign Envelope ID:2A1FF9C3-5E84-4494-AE50-59EAC650084E <br /> Dear Insured: <br /> Congratulations on purchasing CyberEdge®. We look forward to providing your <br /> company with the insurance coverage and access to tools that will help you to prepare <br /> for, prevent, and control cyber risk. <br /> As an eligible CyberEdge policyholder, you have access to the value-added loss-control <br /> services, CyberEdge RiskTool, AutoShun®, and an IBM infrastructure vulnerability scan. <br /> Together, the custom portal, hardware device and IBM vulnerability scan can help your <br /> organization stay ahead of the curve by managing and automating risk mitigation. <br /> • CyberEdge RiskTool, provided by RiskAnalytics, a leader in cyber-risk <br /> management, is a web-based platform that helps to streamline the risk <br /> management process. The platform's content is highly customizable and can be <br /> tailored specifically to meet a number of risk management needs. With security <br /> best-practices, pre-populated training modules and more, CyberEdge RiskTool <br /> can assist in a compliance initiative, educating employees on regulatory <br /> requirements, or training staff on security protocols to help prevent human error <br /> from causing a future breach. <br /> • AutoShun®, provided by RiskAnalytics, is a simple proactive way of improving <br /> your company's security through a hardware device. Operating in real-time, <br /> AutoShun stops an attack by blocking inbound and outbound communication with <br /> known "bad" IP addresses, thus keeping them out of your network. The device <br /> then sends the attack information to the accompanying CyberEdge RiskTool <br /> account where the dashboard updates in real-time and outlines the known "bad" <br /> IP addresses that have been shunned. <br /> • The IBM vulnerability scan is a remote search of the Named Entity's web-facing <br /> external infrastructure, including up to 49 public-facing IP addresses. The scan <br /> identifies and prioritizes potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a <br /> remote hacker and provides the Named Entity with a report which identifies <br /> threats and suggests responses. <br /> These tools are available, at no additional cost, to eligible CyberEdge policyholders. Go <br /> to to register and enter your contact information <br /> and policy number. A representative from Risk Analytics will contact you within five <br /> business days with additional instructions. <br /> Your decision to purchase coverage through AIG has provided your organization with <br /> powerful advantages in managing your business. We thank you for choosing AIG and <br /> look forward to a continuing successful relationship. If you have any questions or would <br /> like additional information, please contact your broker, an AIG representative or email <br /> us at mailto:Cyber <br />