Orange County NC Website
~~.U <br />c. whether the probationary employee should be retained <br />nern¢nently. <br />PART IV. COPtD1T1'.-1"a OF E.`PLOYI"NT <br />~, Hours of Work. <br />E~ployaes of the Sheriff's Department, with the <br />T Work week, <br />_ <br />axe eptipn u.t permanent part-time oositiors,, shall work 6 days a weak <br />' <br />~ <br />and a minimum of i}8 hours a week. E7sployees of the Department of -- <br />PutlSc 'Ae lfare, Farm Agents' and Home Demonstrat icn Agents' Offices, <br />shall work 5 days a week and a minimum of !}0 hours a ek. Other <br />County employees whall work 5 1/2 days a week and n minimum of I}0 <br />hours a week, <br />2. Office Hours. 491th the ezc eption o£ the 9herif f's Department, the <br />Department of Public :'lelfara, and the Farm and Home Demons traticn <br />Agents' Offices, all other Orange County employees shall work from <br />B:$5 A.!f. to 5:00 P. N, on weekdays, and from 8:4.5 A. Lt, to 12:30 P. M. <br />. The following holidays, and such other days as the Honrd of <br />3. Holiday s <br />~ <br />Cou~C ommiss ione rs vay fix, shall be observed ty County Officers: <br />New Year's Day <br />Easter Monday <br />July l} <br />Labor Day <br />Thanks gi'ring Day <br />Christmas (not more than 2 1/2 working days) <br />1. ?7nnloy oe Ylorking Holiday, When a County employee is required to work <br />on arty o $FeTl~ays enumerated above, he shall receive equivalent <br />time off at some later convert±ent time. When a holiday falls on the <br />assigned day off of an employee roqulred to work a rotating 6-day' <br />week, the employee shell receive eq ui velent time off at some later <br />convenient time, <br />,. Vacation Leave. All employees }vorking in the offices of the Farm and Hose <br />Demons- tr~on Agents and in the County Department of ?ublic ';le lTare shall <br />earn three weeks of annual leave ench year. All other employees wo rk Sng <br />full-time shall be g-anted one week of leave for the first full year of <br />amp loymant, and two weeks of leave Tor every year thereafter. <br />1. Cumulati ve, Vacation leave shall be cumulative from year to year; -~ <br />prov3~d ed ~!at not more t'nan two weeks of accumulated vacation leave <br />may be carried from one fiscal gear to the nett and that no employee <br />may take more than four rveelts of vacation leave at any one time. <br />ESrployaes working in the of Tic es o' the Farm and Homa Demonstration <br />Agents may not sc ciunula to more then six weeks vacation. <br />2. Records Kapt. It shall be the .responsibility of each Department Head <br />toto n~i2iat, beginning as of October 1, 1955, accurate leave taco rds <br />be established and maintained on each indi vlduel full-time employee, <br />and that such records shell b¢ as tablish od and maintained on each new <br />amplopee Trom the date oT employment, <br />3. Anoro vei by Supervisor. Each employee's vacation leave must be approved <br />y~tTa supervising Department Head, who must indicate to the County <br />Accountant for payroll purnos ed by the 25th of each month, the amount <br />of vacation leave each emnloyae has taken during the month. In grant- <br />ing vacation leave, ench Department Head should strive to schedule the <br />Vacation Sn order to interfere the least possible with the efTSciant <br />ope rfl tlon of his dope rtment. <br />!}. Aolidays and Da <br />scoff. P.ol id sys or regularly scheduled days oft rvhi ch <br />~ <br />occur during an emo.l.oyee's vacation leave shall not ba charged age lnst <br />his vacation leave. <br />5. Vacation in Excess of Accrued Leave. No employee shall be granted <br />vacation time in excess of is accrued lea va, exc ant in cases of extreme <br />emergency and as sonrc ved 'cy his Department Hend, subJect to the <br />¢ppro val of the Hoard of County Commissioners. <br />o. Vacation Leave -ue at Separation. Any employee who leaves the service <br />of Orarga Court y and has earned vacation leave to his credit shall ba -i <br />paid for such leave at the time of separation; howeverr the last day of ~ <br />cetiva service shall be considered the effective date of separation. <br />J <br />D. S!ck Leave. <br />1. Previous Sick Leave Credit. A11 employees for whom sick leave re cords <br />eve not been maintained s all be credited, as of October 1, 1955, with <br />6 days of si ch leave for each previous year of full-time employ:~.e nt, <br />but in any caso not to ezc aed a total credit, as of October 1, 1955, of <br />thirty (30) days. <br />it <br />