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D HC- PO <br /> 4. The Employment of Consultants must be in accordance with North Carolina <br /> Department of Transportation Consultant Selection Procedures; or procedures <br /> approved by NCDOT and FTA. NCDOT must approve the employment of all <br /> consultants. All contracts or agreement with consultants or contractors must be <br /> submitted to NCDOT. Payments to minority or women owned business must be <br /> reported to NCDOT. <br /> 5. Reimbursement of other city agencies, municipalities, counties, regional and state <br /> agencies for expenses incurred in conducting work provided for in the planning work <br /> program. <br /> 6. Auditing costs associated with fulfilling the requirements of OMB Circular A-133. <br /> B. Accounting Procedures <br /> 1. A separate account should be established for the 5310 funds for each fiscal year and <br /> all transactions recorded in accordance with acceptable accounting procedures <br /> which are approved by NCDOT and FTA. OMB Circular A-102 outlines standards for <br /> grantee financial systems. <br /> 2. The account established for the planning funds will be included in the annual audit <br /> of the agency in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. <br /> 3. Time spent for staff services on work provided for in planning work program should <br /> be recorded by work task on either standard monthly, weekly, or biweekly time <br /> sheets for each individual and filed for audit purposes. <br /> 4. Cost for capital and operating(i.e., transportation, office and other expendable <br /> supplies, printing, copying work, keypunching, computer processing, mapping and <br /> aerial photography) should be supported by receipts, logs and vouchers as <br /> appropriate. <br /> 5. Reimbursement of other city agencies, municipalities, counties, regional and state <br /> agencies should be on a basis of vouchers submitted and supported by similar <br /> documents as required of the lead agencies.The vouchers should, as a minimum, <br /> specify the staff time expended and work task for which the reimbursement is <br /> requested. <br /> 6. The total amount of funds specified in the approved 5310 Grant program will be the <br /> controlling amount for which reimbursement can be claimed for a given fiscal year. <br /> It is recognized that the amount to be spent on each task will vary somewhat from <br /> that estimated in the program. Identification of expenditures by work task in a <br /> quarterly progress report will ensure that work is being accomplished in accordance <br /> with the program and provide guidance in estimating costs for work to be <br /> accomplished in succeeding fiscal years. <br /> C. Reimbursement Procedures <br /> Sub-recipients invoices should be submitted via quarterly reports to MPO/Lead Planning <br /> Agency(LPA).The invoice should indicate/include: <br /> 1. The total amount of federal grant funds and matching funds expended during the <br /> subject period and the amount being requested for reimbursement. <br /> 2. Quarterly expenditure report by work task. <br /> Approved by DCHC MPO TAC 6.11.14 Page 15 <br />