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CHC- PO <br /> 4. Partnerships and Program Outreach(25 points): Proposed projects will be evaluated based <br /> on their ability to coordinate with other public transportation, community transportation <br /> and/or social service resources. Projects that include partnerships with non-profits, private <br /> business, or other stakeholders will also receive higher points. Project sponsors should <br /> clearly identify project stakeholders, and how they will keep stakeholders involved and <br /> informed throughout the project. Project sponsors should also describe how they would <br /> promote public awareness of the project. Letters of support from key stakeholders and/or <br /> customers should be attached to the grant application. <br /> 5. Program Effectiveness and Performance indicators(10 points):The project will be scored <br /> based on the project sponsor's ability to demonstrate that the proposed project is the most <br /> appropriate match of service delivery to the need, and is a cost-effective approach. Project <br /> sponsors must also identify clear, measurable outcome-based performance measures to <br /> track the effectiveness of the service in meeting the identified goals.A plan should be <br /> provided for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the service, and steps to be taken if <br /> original goals are not achieved. Sponsor should describe their steps to measure the <br /> effectiveness and magnitude of the impact that the project will have on target markets (i.e., <br /> persons with disabilities or seniors). <br /> 6. Innovation(5 points):The project will be examined to see if it contains innovative ideas <br /> (service concepts or facilities, creative financing, or new technologies)that have the <br /> potential for improving access and mobility for the target populations and may have future <br /> application elsewhere in the region. <br /> Administration, Planning,and Technical Assistance <br /> Designated recipients of the Section 5310 Grant funding may utilize up to 10%of each yearly <br /> apportionment to support program administrative costs including administration, planning, and <br /> technical assistance.This activity may be funded entirely by federal funds and does not require a <br /> local match.The City of Durham being the designated recipient will utilize allowable funds up to <br /> 10%of the total value of any grant that they administer.These funds will offset the cost of <br /> overhead and staff salaries associated with application process, project approval and grant <br /> management activities.These dollars will be used to support the competitive selection process and <br /> updates to the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan. <br /> In the course of administering projects for sub-recipients,the designated recipient, the LPA(City of <br /> Durham Transportation) may include up to 10%of the net application project amount to fund <br /> program administration costs including administration, planning, and technical assistance. <br /> Allowable administrative costs may include, but are not limited to, general administrative and <br /> overhead costs, staff salaries, office supplies, and development of specifications for vehicles and <br /> equipment. Guidance on eligible costs can be found in the Office of Management and Budget <br /> (OMB) Circular A-87.The City of Durham, as the designated recipient will assist in determining <br /> needs within service areas for seniors and persons with disabilities.This assistance includes an <br /> inventory of existing public transportation services,the total estimated demand for seniors and <br /> persons with disabilities transportation and the estimated number of vehicles of a given capacity to <br /> satisfy the unmet demand. <br /> Approved by DCHC MPO TAC 6.11.14 Page 9 <br />