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DCHC-MPO <br /> projects will be announced as early in each calendar year as is feasible,to provide applicants with <br /> ample time to develop complete proposals. During this first year, the solicitation announcement <br /> follows the Transportation Advisory Committee's approval of the CPT-HSTP and the Program <br /> Management Plan. In subsequent years,the solicitation announcement will occur earlier,to <br /> provide applicants with ample time to develop complete applications. <br /> All applicants will be required to submit a completed application.This would allow enough time for <br /> the application evaluation by the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) subcommittee.This <br /> subcommittee would make funding recommendations to the full TCC, who in turn would make final <br /> recommendations to the Transportation Advisory Committee. The criteria recommended for use in <br /> evaluation of competing applications are listed in the box at right. <br /> The intent is that the selected projects will enable all the stakeholders to cooperatively move <br /> toward an increasingly coordinated transportation system. This will better serves the needs of all <br /> our customers, but particularly those who have traditionally been transportation-disadvantaged. <br /> The TCC will review and make all necessary updates to the program as it deems necessary. <br /> Project Selection Criteria/Application and Scoring <br /> The LPA is electing to conduct a competitive selection process for projects seeking Section 5310 <br /> funds apportioned to the DCHC MPO. <br /> This competition shall occur biennially.The following information and scoring criteria will be used to <br /> score and rate project applications: <br /> 1. Project Needs/Goals and Objectives(30 points):The project should directly address priority <br /> transportation needs identified through the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO's locally <br /> developed Coordinated Public Transportation- Human Services Transportation Plan. Project <br /> application should clearly state the overall program goals and objectives, and demonstrate <br /> how the project is consistent with the objectives of the 5310 grant program.The project <br /> application should indicate the number of persons expected to be served, and the number <br /> of trips (or other units of service) expected to be provided. <br /> 2. Implementation Plan and Evaluation (15 points): For all projects, applicants must provide a <br /> well-defined service operations plan and/or capital procurement plan, and describe <br /> implementation steps and timelines for carrying out the plan.The implementation plan <br /> should identify key personnel assigned to this project and their qualifications. Project <br /> sponsors should demonstrate their institutional capability to carry out the service delivery <br /> aspect of the project as described. <br /> 3. Project Budget(15 points): Projects must submit a clearly defined project budget, indicating <br /> anticipated project expenditures and revenues, including documentation of matching funds. <br /> Proposals should address long-term efforts and identify potential funding sources for <br /> sustaining the service beyond the grant period. <br /> Approved by DCHC MPO TAC 6.11.14 Page 8 <br />