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DCHC-MPO <br /> • Transit agencies <br /> • Department of Social and Health Services <br /> Coordination <br /> Section 5310 Grant funding must be implemented effectively and efficiently. One way to provide <br /> quality service under these constraints is to coordinate agencies and projects. Proposed projects <br /> will be evaluated based on their ability to coordinate with other public transportation, community <br /> transportation and/or social service resources (including financing of projects). Projects that include <br /> partnerships with non-profits, private business, or other stakeholders will also receive higher <br /> points. Project sponsors should clearly identify project stakeholders, and how they will keep <br /> stakeholders involved and informed throughout the project.The MPO Lead Planning Agency will <br /> assist coordination efforts related to this program with public and private providers including <br /> human services agencies, private non-profit organizations, community service agencies, private <br /> operators including taxicabs, Meals-on-Wheels, retirement communities, and university <br /> transportation services. Operators of public transportation, such as Chapel Hill Transit, Durham <br /> Area Transit Authority,Triangle Transit Authority, Orange Public Transportation, and Durham <br /> County Access will also be included in all coordination efforts. <br /> In January 2014, the DCHC-MPO adopted the 2013 Coordinated Public Transportation-Human <br /> Services Transportation Plan Update(CPT-HSTP)to fulfill the requirement of MAP-21 for <br /> coordinated public transportation plans. Federal law also requires that the plan be developed <br /> locally"through a process that includes representatives of public, private, and non-profit <br /> transportation and human services providers and participation by the public."The purpose of a <br /> CPT-HSTP is to improve transportation services for persons with disabilities, older adults, and low- <br /> income individuals through a better coordinated transportation system. Plan updates are <br /> mandatory every four years to identify needs of the transportation disadvantaged. <br /> CPT-HSTPs coordinate fixed-route transit, paratransit, and transit services provided by local <br /> agencies and non-profits. Human service transportation projects funded by Federal Transportation <br /> Administration (FTA)grants must be derived from priorities identified in the CPT-HSTP. DCHC-MPO <br /> will continue to facilitate and coordinate human services transportation by hosting 5310 Grant <br /> Workshops for potential sub-recipients, providing quarterly opportunities for coordination amongst <br /> providers, and oversight for the 5310 grant program. <br /> Eligible Sub recipients <br /> The Section 5310 Grant funds have two categories of projects and different eligible sub-recipients <br /> for each category. Not all sub-recipients are eligible for both Traditional and Non-traditional 5310 <br /> projects (please see the chart on the next page). Only transportation-related projects that fall <br /> within the Metropolitan Planning Area will qualify for funding. <br /> Please Note:All organizations or business entities receiving 5310 funds must have a Data Universal <br /> Numbering System (DUNS) registration number.This is a nine-digit identification number that <br /> provides a unique identification for business entities.Applicants that do not currently have a DUNS <br /> number can obtain one for free from Dun and Bradstreet ( It takes about five weeks <br /> to receive the DUNS number after all the information is entered. <br /> Approved by DCHC MPO TAC 6.11.14 Page 3 <br />