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DCHC- PO <br /> Program Management Plan (PMP) <br /> Section 5310 Grant: Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and <br /> Individuals with Disabilities <br /> Background and Overview <br /> In accordance with the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Circular 9070.1G,this Program <br /> Management Plan (PMP)documents and describes the methods or processes used by the <br /> City of Durham to solicit, select, award, and administer all funds. As the designated recipient of the <br /> Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities,the funds are awarded <br /> through the City of Durham to qualified public and private transportation service providers in the <br /> Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization's (DCHC-MPO) urbanized area. <br /> The funds come from the FTA for the purpose of meeting unmet public transportation and human <br /> service needs of residents in the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro area.This plan essentially serves as a <br /> guide to the biennial project selection and monitoring process.A copy of this plan will be filed with <br /> FTA(Region 4) office, and also with the North Carolina Public Transportation Division. <br /> The DCHC-MPO currently heads the development and coordination of the region's public and <br /> human service transportation initiatives, as required by the federal transportation legislation, <br /> Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21St Century Act(MAP-21).The goal of DCHC-MPO is to help <br /> improve or enhance transportation services for residents in the Durham, Orange and Chatham <br /> County metropolitan area.The Section 5310 Grant program is intended to enhance mobility for <br /> seniors and persons with disabilities by providing funds for programs to serve the special needs of <br /> transit-dependent populations beyond traditional public transportation services and Americans <br /> with Disabilities Act (ADA)complementary paratransit services.The DCHC-MPO is the planning and <br /> administrative entity that oversees all MPO transportation planning functions. Consequently,this <br /> body will be responsible for the overall administration of the 5310 program. <br /> Program Goals and Objectives <br /> The primary goal of the Program Management Plan is to increase personal mobility and travel <br /> options for those with special transportation needs and to enhance access to transit service through <br /> the coordination of existing and future services. FTA has defined the goal of the 5310 program, in <br /> the Circular FTA C9070.1G; "to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities <br /> throughout the country, by removing barriers to transportation services and expanding the <br /> transportation mobility options available."Toward this goal, FTA provides financial assistance for <br /> transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special transportation needs <br /> of seniors and individuals with disabilities in all areas—urbanized, small urban, and rural.The 5310 <br /> program will be administered towards the goals, strategic objectives, and recommendations found <br /> in the DCHC MPO 2013 Coordinated Public Transportation Human Services Transportation Plan <br /> Update.The program requires coordination with other Federally-assisted programs and services in <br /> order to make the most efficient use of Federal resources. <br /> Approved by DCHC MPO TAC 6.11.14 Page 1 <br />