Orange County NC Website
<br />(4) Commission for Women -Reappointments <br />The Board ~~-i11 consider making reappointments to the Commission for Women. <br />(5) Hmuan Relations Conmrission - Reapnoizitments <br />The Board will consider making reappointments to the Human Relations Commission. <br />(6) Workforce Development Board -Reappointments <br />The Board will consider making reappointments to the Workforce Development Board. <br />c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax ReleaselRefunds <br />The Board will consider adoption of a refund resolution related to 61 requests for motor vehicle property tax <br />releases or refunds in accordance «~ith North Carolina General Statutes. <br />d. Property Tax Refund <br />The Board «~•ill consider adoption of a refund resolution related to one (1) request for property tax refund in <br />accordance «Tith N. C. General Statute 105-381. <br />e. Property Tax Release <br />The Board will consider adoption of a resolution to release property values related to one (1) request for <br />property tax release in accordance with N. C. General Statute 105-381. <br />f. C:'ontract Renewal with UNC Family l~Iedicvie and Health Department <br />The Board will consider renewing a contract with UNC Family Medicine and Health Department for <br />Physician Services and authorize the Chair to sign pending approval of the FY 2006-2007 budget and any <br />further review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />g. Contract Reneti~~al for Pharmacy Sei~~ices for Health Department <br />The Board will consider renewing a contract for pharmacy services for the Health Department and authorize <br />the Chair to sign, pending the approval of the 2006-2007 budget and any further review by staff and the <br />County Attorney. <br />h. Agreement Renewal with Chapel Hill Training and Outreach, Inc. and Health Department for <br />Dental Services for Heacl Start <br />The Board «~ill consider renewal of an agreement for Health Department provision of dental services for the <br />Head Start Program offered by Chapel Hill Training and Outreach. Inc. in northern Orange and authorize the <br />Chair to sign subject to any final revie~r by staff and the County Attorney. <br />i. Audit Contract for the June 30, 2006 Fiscal Fear <br />The Board «-•ill consider awarding contracts to Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, Certified Public Accountants, for <br />the provision of audit. services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006 and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />j. RFP A~s~arcl -Contract for Concluctin~ Analysis of Impedvnents to Fair Housing Choice <br />The Board will consider authorizing staff to contract with Donald B. Eager & Associates, LLC to conduct an <br />Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice study for the amount of $7,500; and authorize the County <br />Manager to execute the resulting agreement, contingent upon final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />k. Bud6et Amendment #15 <br />The Board will consider approving budget ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2005-2006. <br />The Board will consider approving an application to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to <br />release funds from Orange County's Public School Building Capital Fund account for the Chapel Hill- <br />Cairboro-City Schools' share of the remaining debt sen~ice payment related to construction of McDougle <br />and Scroggs Elementary Schools and authorize the Chair to sign <br />m. Pyrotechnics Approval; Blue Gross Blue Shield Family Day <br />The Board will consider approving a pyrotechnics permit for Blue Cross/Blue Shield Family Day 2006 on <br />Saturday, June 3, 2006, contingent upon final approval of the set up by the Emergency Management Director <br />or his designee. <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />