Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> David Stancil said outside of the initial mailing, staff has only notified those on the <br /> master list of those expressing interest in the trail, or the OWASA list. He clarified that this was <br /> simply a report item tonight. <br /> Commissioner Price said all people affected should be notified. <br /> David Stancil said now that there are more refined lines on the map, those in need of <br /> notification should be a smaller amount; perhaps 75 property owners. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she thinks there are two separate proposed paths: the MTS, <br /> and the Rails to Trails path. She said the greenways in Orange County do need to be <br /> enhanced, but there should be a focus on the MTS mission versus what a multi-modal path <br /> would be. She said she has heard about the MTS forever, and it needs to start moving <br /> forward. She said there seems to be a lot of people willing to help. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said a greenway system was proposed 30 years ago, and was <br /> met with great resistance. He said when the MTS was raised a decade ago, survey markers <br /> were put right next to people's homes, which was a mistake. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he has been to many meetings over the past years, where <br /> people have come and had concerns, and staff has responded promptly. He said it would be <br /> a good idea to look at OWASA's land and their restrictions, and he is intrigued by the idea of <br /> using mitigation property. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the greenways and the MTS are two different projects. He <br /> said a multi-modal path is much better in the right of way, as it is an urban construct. He said <br /> trails are better for rural areas, as multi modal paths in rural areas would invite All Terrain <br /> Vehicles, which are destructive and noisy. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the focus should be on getting started on the part of the trail <br /> closest to Hillsborough, while smaller groups can look at sub-sections of the trail and advertise <br /> that to nearby property owners. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said it is a terrible idea to put a fire ring in a remote location. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the way station is an idea or a concrete plan. <br /> David Stancil said it is an idea at this point. He said work is going on at seven-mile <br /> creek, and the idea of a way station could involve a well, or water source, a port-a-john or <br /> composting toilet, and maybe a place to camp with a fire ring. <br /> Commissioner Price said if a multi-use trail is pursued, it should be wheelchair <br /> accessible, as much as possible. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if OWASA's various restrictions are consistent with rules <br /> across the state and counties, and if hikers will be able to know the varying restrictions from <br /> place to place. <br /> David Stancil said one of the most important things that is incumbent on sponsored <br /> jurisdictions is signage, and when one enters a trailhead in Orange County there will need to <br /> be clear, frequent, obvious and concise information about what is/is not allowed. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the wilderness trails they create today will be the most <br /> valuable in the future, and he agreed with Commissioner Jacobs about starting work on the <br /> trail closest to Hillsborough. He said he would like the trail to go closer to the reservoir, and he <br /> agreed with talking to OWASA about its restrictions. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked David Stancil to put up a map on the screen. <br /> David Stancil put up a map of"parkland and conservation areas in Orange County". He <br /> said to look at the orange areas of the map, which are County-owned lands or open space; <br /> and the light green areas of the map, which are parkland and open space owned by other <br /> entities. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is asking about this because residents contacted him <br /> about the possibility of using the rail line. He said there is enough right-of-way to run a multi- <br /> modal trail. He said he does not see as this being practical, as he doubts there will be enough <br />