Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he had mixed feelings on the Town meetings because <br /> elected officials need to maintain relationships. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he regretted that the Town of Mebane was allowed to <br /> cancel the September 14th meeting. He said Steve Brantley told him that Mebane is shifting all <br /> its residential development to Orange County and all its commercial development to Alamance <br /> County. He said he does not like this, and he wants to be able to tell the Town as much. <br /> Commissioner Price said the more development there is, the more the Board needs to <br /> meet with the Towns. She also agreed with Commissioner McKee about the Fire <br /> Departments. <br /> Commissioner Price said the comment about meeting with the legislative delegation <br /> without cameras present seems irrelevant, as the breakfast is an open meeting, and the public <br /> is welcome to attend. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the fewer meetings that occur, the greater the chance for <br /> longer meetings. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the entire Board knew the expectations when running for <br /> public office, and should acknowledge that responsibility. He said the Board all spent a lot of <br /> time begging for votes, and it is not acceptable to complain about spending time now. He said <br /> he appreciates Chair Dorosin's intent, but sometimes the meetings just have to be frequent <br /> and long. <br /> Chair Dorosin said there seems to be consensus on amending the UDO to include <br /> QPHs into regular meetings. He directed staff to make these changes and return to the Board. <br /> Chair Dorosin said the decision about the Legislative Breakfast is still open. He said it <br /> would allow for greater transparency to have this meeting at a time when more of the public <br /> can attend. He said he would be happy to seek input from the legislators. <br /> Chair Dorosin said the idea of automatic adjournment sounds appealing, but <br /> sometimes extending the meeting in order to complete an item is appropriate. He said he <br /> does not think the Board needs to meet 49 times to efficiently run the County, and more items <br /> can be moved to the consent agenda. <br /> Chair Dorosin agreed with having staff evaluations before a work session or meeting. <br /> Chair Dorosin said the best element of the meetings with the Towns is the back and <br /> forth dialogue, not just getting a report or update. He said he would like to facilitate such <br /> dialogue. <br /> Chair Dorosin said if the Board feels he is rushing at meetings, to please let him know. <br /> Chair Dorosin said meetings are a tremendous strain on staff, and he agreed with the <br /> suggestion of moving the Manager's evaluation prior to the Clerk and Attorney's evaluations. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said in reference to the Consent Agenda, the public does not <br /> always know what is going on with items that are placed on that agenda. He said this is an <br /> invisible part of government, and that needs to be fixed, despite the fact that most items on the <br /> consent agenda are very routine things. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said if the BOCC does not plan to follow the 10:30 p.m. rule of <br /> stopping a meeting at that time to ask the full Board if they want to continue or adjourn the <br /> meeting, then this rule should be removed from the rules of procedure. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he would like time to think about all of the comments made <br /> tonight, before making any decisions. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he supports keeping meetings with the Towns and work <br /> sessions as separate meetings in order to have the highest quality meetings. <br /> Commissioner McKee referred to the meeting with Towns, and said he gets more <br /> information from watching the body language of all attendees. <br /> Chair Dorosin said there should be more agenda details when meeting with the Towns. <br />