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3 <br /> Of course, if we determine during the course of the year that we need to add a meeting <br /> back, we always have the option to do so. <br /> END OF EMAIL <br /> Chair Dorosin said there are two versions of the proposed 2018 Board of County <br /> Commissioners (BOCC) meeting calendar at the Commissioners' places. He said the Board <br /> has been discussing the option of reducing the number of meetings. He said the BOCC <br /> currently meets 48 times per year. He said the number would reduce by 25%, if all proposed <br /> changes are accepted, to 37 meetings. He said the meetings that are prosed for removal <br /> include: quarterly public hearings (QPH); Fire Department meetings; Legislative Delegation <br /> Breakfast meeting; meetings with Towns, Schools, etc. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if these meetings would be made up in any way, or rolled <br /> into other meetings. <br /> Chair Dorosin reviewed the changes he suggested in his email from May 2nd. He said a <br /> meeting can always be added to a calendar, if needed. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked if the Board can be more disciplined, and keep <br /> conversation at the policy level, as opposed to micro managing. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said she asked Steve Brantley, Economic Development <br /> Director, if he could identify the percentage of the community that is self-employed, and he told <br /> her 7%. She said more than half of the Commission is self-employed. She said the more <br /> meetings that occur; the more difficult it is to have a broad range of people on the Board. She <br /> said if the number of meetings is not going to be reduced, then the pay must be increased in <br /> order to attract a more diverse pool of Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Price said the Legislative Breakfast is still on both proposed calendars <br /> as a separate meeting in March. She asked if this would be put with another meeting. <br /> Chair Dorosin said it is the pleasure of the Board, and his only consideration is that it <br /> would not be a separate meeting. <br /> Commissioner Price said she agreed about the QPH and meeting with the Towns, but <br /> she is hesitant to do staff evaluations after meetings as that seems unfair to staff. She said <br /> some meetings run very long. <br /> Chair Dorosin said the goal would be have evaluations after very short meetings. He <br /> agreed with Commissioner Burroughs that there would need to be a level of discipline. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he is receptive to change, but he does not think a more <br /> public Legislative Breakfast will be productive. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the Board is not taking advantage of meetings that start at <br /> dinnertime, and he does not want to give up time in work sessions to meetings with other <br /> boards. He said work sessions are the most flexible space, and allow for in depth <br /> conversation. He said if meetings are going to be combined into work sessions, then the work <br /> sessions should begin earlier. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the Board has a policy of automatic adjournment at 10:30 <br /> p.m., which has been ignored for years; and if one Commissioner declines to extend a <br /> meeting, it is supposed to end. He said the addition of a QPH to a regular meeting runs the <br /> risk of a very long meeting. He said he wants to be sensitive to staff being able to leave. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he would prefer to stick with a 10:30 p.m. end time at <br /> meetings. <br /> Commissioner Rich said moving QPH to regular meetings could work, but agrees that <br /> the agenda review would have to attempt to schedule items with timeliness in mind whenever <br />