Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Clerical error G.S.105-381(a)(1)(a) BOCC REPORT- REAL/PERSONAL <br /> Illegal tax G.S.105-381(a)(1)(b) <br /> Appraisal appeal G.S.105-330.2(b) OCTOBER 3, 2017 <br /> ACCOUNT BILLING ORIGINAL ADJUSTED FINANCIAL <br /> NAME NUMBER YEAR VALUE VALUE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br /> Alexander,Susan H.Trustee 1053594 2017 893,700 824,800 1,114.46 Incorrect value clerical error Finished area overstated due upper story being calculated as full rather than 90% <br /> Improvements removed from property in 2012,should have been removed from the tax <br /> Carrington,Alys 285443 2017 48,900 - (712.82) Incorrect value(clerical error) record for 2017 <br /> Error in keying land value to Circuit Breaker*worksheet for deferred tax.Correction <br /> Murphy,Daniel 218359 2017 422,600 422,600 1,692.96 Assesed in error(clerical error) does not change value of property,only the amount of tax bill. <br /> PF Chapel Hill LLC dba Planet Fitness 1055615 2017 1,926,629 1,592,012 (5,178.21) Assessed in error(illegal tax Leasehold improvement listed as personal and real.Amended 2017 Business Personal <br /> Assessed in error(clerical error) Error in keying land value to Circuit Breaker*worksheet for deferred tax.Correction <br /> Stevens,Phyllis 266215 2017 497,100 497,100 494.80 does not change value of property,only the amount of tax bill. <br /> Incorrect value(clerical error) Partial exemption was removed in error prior to billing,this wil reinstate the partial <br /> Unity Center of Peace,Inc. 260817 2017 336,200 113,560 (3,445.35) exemption. <br /> 12,638.60 <br /> The spreadsheet represents the financial impact that approval of the requested release or refund would have on the principal amount of taxes. <br /> Approval of the release or refund of the principal tax amount also constitutes approval of the release or refund of all associated interest,penalties,fees,and costs appurtenant to the released or refunded principal tax amount. <br /> *Circuit Breaker Property Tax Deferment is an assistance program regulated by NCGS 105-277.1 B.Qualifying owner must be 65 or older,or be totally and permanently disabled.Income limits are higher than similar programs,but <br /> the deferred taxes create a lien on the property,and are due upon the date of a disqualifying event.Applications are required annually. <br /> August 17,2017 thru September 13,2017 <br />