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io <br />General Assembly of North Carolina Session 2005 <br />"S 130A-309.92. Manaeement of electronic devices: elieibility for distributions. <br />2 ~ A county that amends its solid waste mana ep ment plan adopted pursuant to <br />3 G.S. 130A-309.09A to include a section on recycling electronic devices and that <br />4 implements an electronic devices rec~g_program is eligible to receive distributions <br />5 from the Electronics Rec} cling Account under G.S. 130A-309.94. A municipality is <br />6 eli>ible to receive distributions from the Electronics Rec}cling Account if the county in <br />7 which the rnunicipalitL is located fails by Jamtary I, 2008, to amend its solid waste <br />8 management plan to include a section on recycling electronic devices or fails to <br />9 irnpletnent an electronic devices recycling_program, and if the municipality amends its <br />]0 solid waste mana eg_ment plan adopted pursuant to G.S. 130A-309.09A to include a <br />11 section on rec~g electronic devices and implements an electronic devices recycling <br />12 pro ram. <br />13 ~ A county or a municipalitl% that receives distributions from the Electronics <br />14 Recycling Account shall not charee a fee for the recycling of electronic devices. <br />15 ~ A unit of local government may contract with another unit of local <br />16 government or a private entity in accordance with Article 15 of Chapter 153A of the <br />17 General Stahttes to provide for the rec~g of discarded electronic devices. <br />18 "§ 130A-309.93. Use of distributions. <br />19 A county or a municipality that is eligible under G.S. 130A-309.92 to receive <br />20 distributions from the Electronics Recycling Account shall use distributions exclusively <br />21 for activities directly related to electronic devices recycling and may use distributions <br />22 from the Electronics Recycling Account to offset any of the following: <br />2.3 ~ Collection, storage, and transportation of discarded electronic devices. <br />24 ~ Recycling_processing fees for electronic devices. <br />25 (~ Costs of educating citizens about its electronic devices re~cling <br />26 pro rg am• <br />27 ~ Costs of capital equipment and buildings used exclusively for <br />28 electronic devices recycling when these costs were incurred no later <br />29 than January I, 2003, are documented, and were incurred to establish a <br />30 permanent, year-round electronic devices collection program available <br />31 to the public. <br />32 "& 130A-309.94. >/lectronics Recycling Account. <br />33 f a~ The Electronics Recycling Account is established within the Department. The <br />:34 Account consists of revenue credited to the Account from the proceeds of the <br />35 electronics recycling tax imposed by Article SG of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes. <br />36 (b~ Subiect to subsection (d) of this section, funds in the Account shall be <br />37 allocated and used as follows: <br />38 {1~ Ninety nercent (90%) for distribution to counties and municipalities <br />39 that are eli>ible to receive distributions under G.S. 130A-309.92. <br />40 ~ Six percent (6%) for supplemental grant funding_ to units of local <br />41 government to help initiate local pro rams enhance existing local <br />42 electronic devices recycline services, and encourage regionalization of <br />4.3 local electronic devices pro rP an7s• <br />Senate Bill 10.30-First Edition Page 3 <br />