Agenda - 10-03-2017 - 6-a - Interlocal Agreement Between Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough for Construction and Operation of Water and Sewer in the Hillsborough Area EDD of Orange County
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-03-2017 - 6-a - Interlocal Agreement Between Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough for Construction and Operation of Water and Sewer in the Hillsborough Area EDD of Orange County
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Last modified
9/29/2017 8:34:30 AM
Creation date
9/29/2017 10:59:39 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2017-542 Planning - Interlocal Agreement between OC, Town of Hillsborough for Construction, Operation of Water, Sewer Facilities in the Hillsborough Area ED
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5 <br /> INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY AND THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH FOR CONSTRUCTION AND <br /> OPERATION OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES IN THE HILLSBOROUGH AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> properties for up to 5 years after the date of execution of this agreement. The Town of <br /> Hillsborough acknowledges that industrial, office, and commercial uses are intended within <br /> the County EDD and that such uses, if permitted by Orange County (for those projects not <br /> slated for immediate and/or delayed annexation), will be served subject to available capacity <br /> and other factors stated above. <br /> The reservation is made for a period of 5 years and may be extended by written agreement of <br /> the Town for up to an additional 5 years upon written request made to the Town of <br /> Hillsborough prior to expiration of the initial 5 year period. If a Town of Hillsborough utility <br /> agreement uses part of this reservation then the reservation amount is reduced unless <br /> otherwise requested and approved. This agreement is not intended to mandate annexation nor <br /> exclude the potential for the project to remain in the County's planning jurisdiction. If the <br /> project remains in the County's planning jurisdiction, the water and sewer service utility <br /> agreement between the developer and the Town of Hillsborough will be accompanied by a <br /> voluntary annexation agreement to be acted upon when Orange County and the Town of <br /> Hillsborough agree to the timing of such annexation. This would include the preparation and <br /> review of an annexation report prepared for and submitted to the Town of Hillsborough by a <br /> developer. <br /> When development occurs in the jurisdiction as noted in Exhibit A, the land use parameters <br /> noted within the Orange County/Town of Hillsborough joint land use plan will act as guidance <br /> to zoning. <br /> 5. Construction Standards. In all respects, except to the extent otherwise stated in this agreement, <br /> the construction will be done in accordance with (i) Hillsborough utility standards, <br /> requirements, specifications, and procedures, including approvals of plans and permits, <br /> conducting inspections, requiring tests and certifications, and requiring record (as-built) <br /> drawings, and (ii) any applicable federal and state standards. Notwithstanding any other part <br /> or provision of this agreement should any such approvals or permits be withheld or <br /> unobtainable, this agreement may be terminated by Orange County, at no cost and with no <br /> further liability or obligation to Orange County, upon written notice to the Town of <br /> Hillsborough. In the event of such termination, the County and the Town shall each be <br /> responsible for the respective costs they incurred pursuant to this agreement up until the time of <br /> termination. <br />
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