Agenda - 10-03-2017 - 6-a - Interlocal Agreement Between Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough for Construction and Operation of Water and Sewer in the Hillsborough Area EDD of Orange County
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-03-2017 - 6-a - Interlocal Agreement Between Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough for Construction and Operation of Water and Sewer in the Hillsborough Area EDD of Orange County
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Last modified
9/29/2017 8:34:30 AM
Creation date
9/29/2017 10:59:39 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2017-542 Planning - Interlocal Agreement between OC, Town of Hillsborough for Construction, Operation of Water, Sewer Facilities in the Hillsborough Area ED
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4 <br /> INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY AND THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH FOR CONSTRUCTION AND <br /> OPERATION OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES IN THE HILLSBOROUGH AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> Hillsborough's receipt of a proposal and/or other response to Orange County's request for <br /> proposals)to a designer, Orange County may award a contract to the designer for such design. <br /> 3. Construction. Orange County will solicit bids for the construction of the water and sewer <br /> infrastructure. Orange County will share the proposals with the Town of Hillsborough before <br /> awarding any bid or contract for construction of the infrastructure. The Town of Hillsborough <br /> will pay the cost of construction and pro-rata share of the related engineering and construction <br /> engineering & inspection services for those sections of the water and/or sewer infrastructure <br /> lying outside the county economic development zone and Orange County will pay the cost of <br /> construction and pro-rata share of the related engineering and inspection services for those <br /> sections of the water and/or sewer infrastructure lying within the county economic development <br /> zone. If the Town of Hillsborough does not choose to extend and pay for the aforesaid sections <br /> of the infrastructure and acceptable design alternatives exist, the remaining aspects of the <br /> project can continue and terminate at the EDD land use line with the infrastructure <br /> improvements solely financed by Orange County. By authorizing their respective managers to <br /> sign this agreement, the parties' governing bodies also authorize them to agree to suspend or <br /> abandon the process if the managers jointly determine it is prudent to do so. If the managers do <br /> not jointly agree it is prudent to suspend or abandon the process, it is agreed that suspension or <br /> abandonment will not be affected unless the parties' governing bodies jointly agree to suspend <br /> or abandon the process. Except as otherwise provided herein, should either party unilaterally <br /> suspend or abandon the process, such party shall be responsible for the costs incurred pursuant <br /> to this Agreement pro-rated to the time of suspension or abandonment. <br /> 4. New Development and Buildings. Non-Residential development shall be consistent with the <br /> joint land use plan and county zoning. Industrial or commercial water and sewer connections <br /> and other public uses shall be subject to the utility approval of the Town of Hillsborough <br /> regardless of whether the development site(s) are annexed. Provided, however, such approval <br /> shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be based on the Town's determination of <br /> availability of capacity in the Town's water and sanitary sewer systems, the ability of the <br /> Town's water and sewer systems to provide service within the Town's entire service area, and <br /> consistency with the Town's adopted comprehensive plan. All water and sewer connection <br /> approvals shall take into consideration the resources available to the Town of Hillsborough <br /> and shall be consistent with the Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary <br /> Agreement Map (WASMPBA, see Exhibit B). A reservation of 108,000 gallons per day <br /> (GPD) sewer capacity and 108,000 GPD water capacity will be made available to subject <br />
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