Agenda - 05-04-2006-7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-2006
Agenda - 05-04-2006-7a
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0 <br />services, transportation, accessibility and affordability of health care, does that community provide a workplace <br />volunteer opportunity and the last has everything to do with keeping the person active. <br />She suggested that as we work in our groups that we look at these particulaz areas and ask the question if the <br />plan we create will address these areas. She feels the plan has accomplished a tremendous amount. She feels <br />the focus for the next five years should on the critical needs, a couple of really important issues in the general <br />population of older people. Also, take a look at what the White House Conference on aging has surfaced, <br />especially the top ten. Also, the federal council on aging has some things that have to do with the larger <br />community being handicapped accessible, hearing impaired, eyesight impaired -does it really allow someone <br />to function at a level of independence as they move about in the community. It has everything to do with <br />housing, transportation, accessibility, affordability and the awazeness of services which are available. She <br />urged that we use the Senior Friendly Community templates and ask what are the key critical fundamental <br />things that must be in place for an older person to be successful. <br />As part of the Senior Friendly Community, Jerry Passmore indicated that the broader issue is aging in place, <br />There is a need for more diversified transitional living arrangements. We have to value what older people want. <br />What is important is to have these key, critical fundamentals that are necessary in place. <br />Alice Gordon made reference to the list inside the Senior Friendly folder and said that she hopes that all three <br />committees would look at that and pick out a few things which are most important for that particular group. <br />Pat Sprigg indicated that there are a lot of good background work for the subcommittees in terms of looking at <br />this document, going back and looking at the unmet objectives of the prior plan and doing some critical thinking <br />as if it is really a priority. Maybe it was at the time, but not now a priority. <br />Pat Sprigg said that if there is progress on these unmet needs, it needs to be documented. The baseline issue is <br />that the service delivery to older people and the aging friendly communities to older people is $agmenfing. The <br />hope is that this plan will bring together a pathway to bring all these resources together, focus on the critical <br />fundamentals, apply what is working well and not spend our resources on the unmet needs. <br />Joan Pellettier mentioned that the State Division of Aging is looking to the local community in developing a <br />regional and state aging plan. Yoko Crume stated that the NC Division of Aging received a federal planning <br />grant to look at better coordinating local, regional and state planning process. In term of local coordination, <br />Barry Jacobs made reference to the Boazd of Health and their strategic plan and the expansion of dental caze. <br />He asked if this committee wants the report or wants a representative to come and talk about this issue. Yoko <br />Crume spoke about the exchange of information. She would like to have the report and then have them come to <br />review the report. <br />it was indicated that a member of the Health Dept, should be on the Steering Committee. It could be the Chair <br />of the Board of Health. Jerry Passmore stated that the Health Director, Rosemazy Summers was a resource to <br />the Steering Committee and would be willing to come when needed, Barry Jacobs will follow up on this and ask <br />for representation from the Dept. of Health and Department of Social Services, adult services. Jerry Passmore <br />will prepare some information for Barry, Also, It was indicated that someone from Mental Health to serve on <br />the Steering Committee or one of the subcommittees. <br />Resort from M.A.P. Subcommittees <br />Pat Sprigg has each subcommittee to give a brief five minute report on their activities, From the Well fit <br />Subcommittee, they distributed a report. A lot of their meeting was focused on the definition of a well fit <br />senior. There was also a lot of emphasis on what it means to be independent. The top three things they <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />
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