Orange County NC Website
~~~~~ <br />Orange County Master Aging Plan Update: 2006-10 <br />M.A.P. Steering Committee Minutes <br />February 2, 2006 <br />Introductions <br />The meeting was called to order by Pat Sprigg, co-chair for the Master Aging Plan i.Jpdate, at 8:00 a.m, at Cazol <br />Woods Retirement Community, Lookout Room, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Everyone introduced themselves, <br />Pat Sprigg gave introductory remazks and the project timeline with projected meetings dates were distributed. <br />Co-chair Florence Soltys updated everyone on the mission and development of M.A,P. and purpose of the <br />vazious the subcommittees, Florence Soltys indicated that we used the Guiding Principles of the United Nations <br />as the background in preparing the M,A.P. report. (See manual, section 1), <br />Jerry Passmore indicated that the meeting ground rules were in their manual (section 8) and included try to <br />attend all meetings, be on time, only one person speak at a time, everyone has input value, follow a preset <br />agenda and begin and end on time, Everyone agreed to the ground rules. <br />Review Past M.A.P. Accomplishments and Unmet Obiectives -2000-OS <br />Florence Soltys highlighted the report distributed on the MAP goals and the accomplishments and the unmet <br />objectives that have been achieved during these past five yeazs, The Goal One (lA) was to improve access to <br />services information assistance and social activities for all older persons in Orange County. She feels that they <br />have done fairly well with these objectives, However, this is an ongoing process that will never stop because <br />we need to provide information on a consistent and long-term basis. One of the areas that we did not achieve <br />which she feels is very important and one that they will take a serious look at as not achieving is multi-lingual <br />and cultural sensitive areas of the website and their guide, Tlris is essential and needs attention. Also, they <br />would like to get a campaign going whereby the University, private businesses, County government and the <br />schools would donate computers to the Senior Centers when they are upgrading their computers so they will <br />have plenty of them, Another objective we need to work on is to provide quarterly training courses for <br />internet access at the Senior Centers so the seniors can use the internet and be aware of what is there. We still <br />have a ways to go on this training. An assessment of community awareness -evaluating how effective we are <br />in reaching all seniors with information needs to be done. Florence Soltys discussed urunet facility access <br />objectives. Again a community survey that will evaluate the effectiveness of the senior centers and outreach <br />programs is needed. This has been partially done, but is something they need to look at. The questions aze (1) <br />are we doing what we need to be doing and (2) are we reaching the people we need to reach, etc. A new Central <br />Orange Center facility has been approved and we need to look at the satellite outreach program spaces and <br />they relate centers. Committee waited to discuss transportation issues at this point in the agenda until AI Terry, <br />O.P.T Manager arrives, Florence Soltys feels transportation is one of the big issues for seniors. <br />Goal Two (1B) is to have each older person in Orange Countxperceived for their value and uniqueness. <br />According to Florence Soltys we have done some things to achieve this goal (In Praise of Age TV Show, <br />newspapers), but still have a ways to go. We need to work on obtaining commitment from three counties or <br />State education or aging institutions to provide training and continued education for programs to educate <br />service providers about the strengths and the tremendous assets of elders and maximize their contributions to <br />the community, Another one is the need to increase the number of intergenerational volunteer programs, <br />We need to do more of this with UNC, youth civic organizations, the schools and RSVP in utilizing the talents <br />of seniors as a two-way street with an intergenerational program. <br />Page 1 of 8 <br />