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13 <br />as general access to medical care. The mental health issue was referred to another subcommittee. She <br />mentioned <br />other improvements like job training, housing for middle income elders, long-term care costs and driver <br />safety which was one of their top issues. The issue with economic development dealt with the concern of <br />the ability of people to pay their property taxes. Also, one of flieir top issues was the availability of more <br />home-based preventative care and more education on "Choices" staying in your home/aging in place <br />which they are going to have a session on today, They also feel that the faith-based orgatizations need to <br />be involved. <br />Third, they looked at possible solutions. Tlris has to do with livable and senior friendly <br />communities which Carol Gunther-Mole will be talking about later in the agenda. The committee feels <br />that the entire cotrutnmity -not just County government needs to focus on the idea of older adults as they <br />age, She did receive Carol's proposal and although she sent it out to her subcontinittee, she did not get <br />many continents -probably because the County is going through an email transition period, <br />At their meeting, Myra Austin had asked each committee member to write down five (5) <br />issues they wanted to see addressed and each member had four (4) votes to cast on one item or all four (4) <br />on the sanre item. The attaclunent to the minutes identified as " 2A" has the results of this priority listing:. <br />The first ranking was home-based community services for well elders including an increase in the number <br />of retired healthcare providers/volunteers and enviromnental modifications. The next one was community <br />assessment/outcome evaluation to assess how we are doing so far and what is still needed in the <br />commm~ity. The third item was driver safety which included what the roads look like as well as driver <br />education. The fourth item was access to affordable healthcare which is a huge issue and also ranking <br />with five (5) votes was greater budget appropriations for the aging population.: These were the top five <br />issues. The attaclmrent is made a part of these minutes by reference, <br />Ann Johnson said that of all the committees, the Well-Fit Subcommittee will be responding <br />to 95% of the population and that certainly senior centers which are not listed are the backbone of that <br />population. Myra Austin said that it is listed as an item we are most proud of but is not listed as a need.. <br />lanice Tyler noted that this item is listed further down on the priority issue list. Ann .Johnson feels it <br />should be a higher priority. <br />Gwen Harvey asked for the definition of a community assessment and asked who would do <br />it, Myra Austin said that they did not identify who would do the assessment. It could be something that <br />is done by the Department on Aging and it would be used to identify the needs in the community and of <br />the things that aze being done already - what is being done well. <br />Jan Busby-Whitehead asked what was meant by driver safety. Myra Austin said that this <br />would include driver education, working with older adults, roadways, etc.. Janice Tyler said that they <br />based this from two incidents which recently happened -the person going the wrong way on a divided <br />highway and also an issue at the mall. <br />A reference was made to the issue of access to affordable health care and it was suggested <br />that this maybe something the Utiversity might partner with the community to help provide. <br />Alice Gordon made reference to access to affordable healthcare and accessibility/affordability <br />for oral health care and noted that these should both be priority issues. <br />Florence Soltys said that not only is this a countywide problem, it is an Orange County <br />problem, <br />Jack C.heshrut said that as a member of the Well-Fit Committee, the first day was spent trying <br />to identify the issues. They could have spent a lot of time on how to fix these issues but did not, He <br />asked if the next cotttinittee will start working on how to fix the issues which have been identified and <br />Florence Soltys said that the next step would be to make recommendations.. <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />