Orange County NC Website
i~. <br />Pat Sprigg asked the committee to take a look at the brainstorming notes that they have received and look at <br />where they think the gaps aze and what do they think is not really being addressed that needs to be addressed. <br />Begin to think about who is missing in this dialogue. What other venues might be used to connect people <br />sitting here. <br />The next meeting is Mazch 23, 2006 from 10:00 -noon at a location to be determined at Carol Woods. <br />Jan Wassel indicated that she would like material in a more timely fashion if at all possible. She would like to <br />have enough time to thoroughly read the information. <br />Everyone was asked to fill out the evaluation and leave it on their way out. <br />Prepared by Beverly Blythe <br />Ellen Hayes <br />Jerry Passmore <br />Page 8 of 8 <br />