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i~ <br />summazized in terms of Well fit were: (1) It meant optimal choices, (2) the ability to live undependably <br />and fully functional, mentally, physically and spiritually. They went through the goals and accomplishments <br />which were more relevant to well fit in the MAP. Some of the things that came out from lessons learned based <br />on the former MAP was that they need to prioritize the issues; they need to quantify the issues in terms of how <br />many people they reach and who is accountable if a goal was not met. We need to have periodic meetings with <br />the stakeholders who are identified in this process. There was no mention in the plan of how to involve the faith <br />community. It was also pointed out that about half the goals were accomplished and half were not. <br />Linda Tuday said that this is an opporinnity to make a community agenda for older adults, not perceived as a <br />County agenda and that it have measures and outcomes and how do we determine the progress and keep it up <br />front, Myra said that they talked about the change in population of older adults. They tallced about more older <br />adults moving to the azea, issues of retirement and retirement community, transportation, isolation of Waal <br />seniors, changes in the Medicaze policy. They also looked at senior friendly communities and how they should <br />strive toward that. <br />The Moderately Impaired/Disabled Subcommittee which is facilitated by Kate Barrett indicated they looked at a <br />definition of what issues belongs in each group. They viewed the well seniors as those people who aze living <br />independent and would look at the maintenance of health and prevention of disability, Kate Barrett wants to be <br />sure the groups are identified for purposes of the subgroups. The Moderately Tmpaired/Disabled Subcommittee <br />would focus on the frail elderly who are not in long-term care, assisted living or nursing homes, These people <br />would have problems with the activities of daily living including bathing, grooming, taking medication, eating, <br />communication, walking and also problems with instrumental activifies of daily living.. Transportation is the <br />big key word, doing their own bill paying, yard work, house work, etc. would be included in this category. This <br />would also include those people with mental health issues or dementia, <br />Kate Barrett indicated that transportation is a huge issue, particularly in the northern pazt of the County where <br />some people cannot get transportation, including to our senior centers. As staff, we have so many daily things <br />to do; we don't have enough time on educating people where to go for information, Another issue is how do the <br />senior centers not be just for seniors who are well, but how do the senior centers meet the needs of others who <br />may have a need or be handicapped. How do you get people out of the house? Kate Bazrett read from a list that <br />had been distributed indicating that Mental Health was a huge issue. A lot of physicians do not know how to <br />treat depression which causes a lot of suicides. There are also "men issues". <br />Jerry reported for the institutional subcommittee, He said that transportation was a big issue for this subgroup. <br />There will be clinic space at the new senior center in Chapel Hilh Some of the big issues dealt with the fact that <br />there are not enough people to help people in nursing homes, etc. Also, better education and information for <br />seniors was an issue. Long-term care was an issue, The facilities do not have enough beds for those with <br />Alzheimer's. The ratio between training staff of adult homes and nursing homes is an issue, The caregivers aze <br />not getting paid enough, Families are not involved enough with the care of seniors. The PACE program was <br />discussed which is a HMO for low income elderly, The eldercare program is not the same as PACE, The <br />startup costs for a PACE program would be enormous. Elder abuse and protective services were issues, Most <br />long-term care facilities are for profit except for one, <br />They agreed to begin to think about what are the fundamental needs of the seniors in this azea and where aze the <br />gaps to address these particular needs and start in terms of looking at the unmet objectives of the previous plan <br />and determine if this is really a priority or are there other things happening in this objective that we may not <br />have known about. <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />