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13 <br />decision of the Zoning Officer to the Board of Adjustment as set forth in Article 21 of <br />this Ordinance. <br />Each center in a residence for .3 to 12 children approved by the Zoning Officer shall <br />be reviewed arniually by the Zoning Officer to ensure compliance with the standards <br />of evaluation for such facilities. The Zoning Officer is authorized to approve minor <br />charges in the approved home center° in a residence For .3 to 12 children, provided that <br />the changes are in harmony with the action of the original approval and provided that <br />any change in the operation complies with the standards of evaluation as specif ed in <br />Section 6.27.2 above. Any change in the operation of the center in a residence for .3 to <br />12 children that does not comply with the standards for evaluation as specified in <br />Section 627,2 above will constitute a modification and require the approval of the <br />Board of Adjustment under the provisions o[ Article 8 of this Ordinance. <br />*8.8.16 Child Care Facility <br />* Additional information <br />In addition to the information required by Articles 8.2 and 8.8, the following shall be <br />submitted as part of the application: <br />a) Evidence that the minimum requirements to qualify for a State of North Carolina <br />day care facility license have been satisfied. <br />b) A floor plan of the proposed child care facility, showing the use and dimensions <br />ofeach room and the location of entrances and exits.. <br />* Standards of evaluation <br />The following standards shall be used in deciding on an application for this use: <br />a) The child care facility is to be located in an area, which is free from conditions <br />dangerous to the physical. <br />b) The minimmn requirements to qualify for a State of North Carolina child care <br />facility license are satisfied. <br />c) There is direct frontage and access on a public State-maintained road. <br />d) Adequate access to and from the site, as well as adequate space off the road right- <br />of-way, is provided for the safe pick-up and discharge of children and is provided <br />in such a mamrer that traffic generated by the child care facility is not disruptive <br />to adjacent residentially developed properties. <br />e) All child pick up and drop offs shall be on site, with proper vehicle stacking area <br />equivalent to three cars.. <br />f) The site plan shall show bow the facilities will be screened from adjacent <br />properties. AType-A, :30-foot buffer shall be provided around child care building <br />and play area These buffers will effectively screen the view of any outdoor play <br />area, and reduce noise associated with the child care. <br />g) Each child care is required to provide at least 75 square feet of outdoor play space <br />for every child in care. This space may not be located in a required buffer or in an <br />area, which is used or reserved for use as a sewage disposal nitrification field. <br />