Agenda - 05-04-2006-5i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-2006
Agenda - 05-04-2006-5i
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8/29/2008 9:24:08 AM
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11 <br />b. A family child care home is a child care arrangement located in a residence <br />where, at any one time, more than two children, but fewer than nine children, <br />receive child care <br />Center in a Residence fm• .3 to 12 Children - A residence in which child care is <br />provided, which is-located on a public state maintained road, and which provides child <br />care for more than three (3) but, no more than twelve (12) children. <br />Family Day Care Home - A residence in which child care is provided, which provides <br />child care for no more than three (.3) children. <br />6.27. Center in a Residence for .3 to 12 Children <br />6.27.1 Site plan requirements. <br />In addition Co the information required by Article 14.2, a floor plan of the proposed child <br />care facility, showing the use and dimensions of each room and the location of entrances <br />and exits, a fenced, outdoor play space, evidence that the minimum requirements to <br />qualify for a state Center in a Residence for :3 to 12 Children license have been satisfied. <br />6.27.2 Standards for evaluation <br />The following standards shall be used in deciding on an application for site plan approval <br />for the use: <br />a. The center in a residence for .3 to 12 children is to be located in an area, which is <br />free from conditions dangerous to the physical and moral welfare of the children. <br />b. The minimum requirements to qualify for a State of North Carolina child case <br />license are satisfied. <br />c. There is direct frontage and access on a public state maintained road.. <br />d. Adequate access to and fiom the site, as well as adequate space offthe road right- <br />of-way, is provided for the safe pickup and discharge of children and is provided <br />in such a manner that traffic generated by the center in a residence For 3 to 12 <br />children is not disruptive to adjacent residentially developed properties. <br />e. The site plan shall show how the facilities will be screened from adjacent <br />properties. A type A .30-foot buffer shall be provided around the center in a <br />residence for 3 to 12 children and play area. These buffers will effectively screen <br />the view of any outdoor play area, and reduce noise associated with the child care. <br />f. Lach center in a residence for :3 to 12 children is required to provide at least 75 <br />square feet of outdoor play space for every child in care. This space may not be <br />located in a required buffer or in an area, which is used or reserved for use as a <br />sewage disposal nitrification field. <br />g. Fencing is to be provided around the outdoor space, which ensures the protection <br />of the children receiving child care and protects adjacent residentially developed <br />properties from trespass. <br />h All gates shall be self-closing and self-latching <br />
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