Agenda - 05-04-2006-5i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-2006
Agenda - 05-04-2006-5i
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10 <br />PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO BOCC <br />May 4, 2006 <br />An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Connnissioners of the County of Orange, North Carolina, <br />that the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: <br />Child Care - A program or arrangement where three or more children less than 13 years <br />old, who do not reside where the care is provided, receive care on a regular basis of at <br />least once per week for more than four hours per day from persons other than their <br />guardians or frill-time custodians, or from persons not related to them by birth, marriage, <br />or adoption. Child care does not include the following: <br />a. Arrangements operated in the home of any child receiving care if all the children <br />in care are related to eaah other or no more than two additional children are in <br />care; <br />b. Recreational programs operated for less than four consecutive months in a year; <br />c. Specialized activities or instruction such as athletics, dance, art, nnrsic lessons, <br />horseback riding, gymnastics, or organized clubs for children, such as Boy <br />Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H groups, or' boys and girls clubs; <br />d. Drop-in or short-tens care provided while parents participate in activities that are <br />not employment related and where the parents are on the premises or otherwise <br />easily accessible, such as drop-in or short-tem care provided in health spas, <br />bowling alleys, shopping malls, resort hotels, or chtuches; <br />e. Public schools; <br />f. Non-public schools described in Part 2 of Article .39 of Chapter 115C of the North <br />Carolina Statutes that are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and <br />Schools and that operate a child care facility as defined under- Child Care Facility <br />of for less than six and one-half hours per day either on or off the school site; <br />g. Bible schools conducted during vacation periods; <br />h. Care provided by facilities licensed under Article 2 of Chapter 1120 of the North <br />Carolina General Statutes; <br />i. Cooperative azrangements among parents to provide care for their children as a <br />convenience rather than for employment; and <br />j. Any child care program or arrangement consisting of two or more separate <br />components, each of which operates for four hours or less per day with different <br />children attending each component. <br />Child Care Facility -Includes child care centers, and any other child care arrangement <br />not excluded by General Statute 110-8C(Z), that provides child care, regardless of the <br />time of day, wherever operated, and whether or not operated for profit. <br />a. A child care center is an arrangement where, at any one time, there are three or <br />more pre-school children or nine or more school-aged children receiving child <br />care. <br />
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