Orange County NC Website
i~ <br />Applicant Interest Listing <br />Board of Health <br />Ms. Judythe Dingfelder <br />215 Wild Turkey Trail <br />Chapel Hill NC 27516 <br />Skins: Carrboro Ell <br />Skills: Church Ofticer <br />Skills: Homeowners Association <br />by Boazd Name and by Applicant Name <br />Contact Person: <br />Contact Phone: <br />Day Phone: 919-493-6466 <br />Evening Phone: 919-929-336D <br />FAX; 919-49D-8051 <br />E-mail: judiding@aol com <br />Also Serves On: Alcoholic Bevernge Control Board <br />Rosemary Summers, Directot <br />919-245-2412 <br />Sex: Female <br />Race: Caucasian <br />Township: Chapel Hill <br />Date Applied: 11/06/2004 <br />MS. Catherine A. Gutmann Day Phone: 919-286-0411 Sex: Female <br />117 Weatherhill Pointe Evening Phone: 919-967-2990 Race: Caucasian <br />Carrboro NC 27510 FAX: Township: Chapel Hill <br /> E-mail: cggnp@yahoo com Date Applied: 02/06/20D4 <br />Skits: Nurse Practioner Also Serves On: <br />Skills: Public Health Also Serves On: <br />Dr Candace Kelly <br />1722 Allard <br />Chapel Bill NC 27514 <br />Skills: Pharmacist <br />Mr. Jonghoon Lee <br />111 Howell St Apt B <br />Chapel Hill NC 27514 <br />Skins: Habitat for Humanity <br />Day Phone: 919-91 B-7720 <br />Evening Phone: 919-918-7720 <br />FAX: <br />E_trtyjj: ckelly@unchuneedu <br />Also Serves On: <br />Day Phone: 919-360-1422 <br />Evening Phone: <br />FAX: <br />E-mail: jlee6@email unc edu <br />Also Serves On: <br />Sex: Female <br />Race: Caucasian <br />Township: Chapel Hill <br />Date Applied: 06/18/2004 <br />Sex: Mate <br />Race: Asian American <br />Township: Chapet Hill <br />Date Applied: 72/27/2003 <br />Mr, $,loatTlC1CMCGaTry Day Phone: (919)928-8383 Sex: Mate <br />1250 Ephesus Church Rd. Apt F-6 Evening Phone: (919)928-6383 Race: Othor <br />Chapel Hill NC 27517 FAX: Township: Chapel Hill <br /> E-mail: mcgarryp2@aolcom Date Applied: 06/1 t/2004 <br />Skills: Contribuing Writer College Newspaper Also Serves On: Agdcultuml Center Work Group <br /> Also Serves On: Agricultural Preservation Board <br />Skills: Distribution Management Also Serves On: Agriculmml Center Work Croup <br /> Also Serves On: Agricultural Preservation Board <br />Skills: M A. Architectural History Also Serves On: Agricultual Center Work Group <br />Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Page 2 of 4 <br />