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Section 8.5 Assistant Principal Salaries <br /> Establishes that assistant principals shall be paid according to the"A" teacher salary schedule <br /> PLUS 17%. <br /> Incorporates longevity into base salaries, eliminating separate longevity payments. Retains <br /> historical salary supplement guidelines. Lays out a hold harmless clause to ensure no assistant <br /> principal experiences a salary decrease. <br /> Declares legislative intent to set assistant principal salaries in 2018-19 at the"A" teacher salary <br /> schedule plus 19%. <br /> Section 8.6 Central Office Salaries <br /> Establishes monthly salary ranges for central office staff for 2017-18. Increases minimum and <br /> maximum allowable salary levels for 2017-18 by $1,000. <br /> Retains historical salary supplements, longevity pay, and classification guidelines. <br /> Section 8.7 Noncertified Personnel Salaries <br /> Increases salaries for permanent full-time,permanent, full-time but less than 12 months, <br /> permanent,part-time, and temporary and permanent hourly noncertified school personnel by <br /> $1,000. Provides for a prorated salary increase for part-time permanent, hourly, and permanent <br /> full-time employees on a contract of less than 12 months. <br /> Exempts school bus drivers from the $1,000 increase and sets aside $16,855,081 for all local <br /> school boards to increase average school bus driver pay on an equitable basis. <br /> Section 8.8 School Boards Create Minimum Salary Schedule for Occupational Therapists <br /> and Physical Therapists <br /> Requires every local school board to adopt a minimum salary schedule for occupational and <br /> physical therapists based on SBE ranges. Disallows experienced based intervals greater than 5 <br /> years. <br /> G.S. 115C-316. <br /> Section 8.8A Veteran Teacher Bonuses <br /> Awards a$385 one-time bonus to teachers at level of experience 25 and up to be paid out by <br /> October 31, 2017, and again on October 31, 2018. <br /> *Note that the budget technical corrections bill(HB 528) clarified that a teacher is only eligible <br /> for this bonus if they remain employed in the LEA as of October 1 of each year. <br /> Section 8.8B Revise Teacher Bonus Programs <br /> AP/IB, CTE, Cambridge AICE Bonus Programs <br /> Makes permanent the following existing teacher bonus programs: <br /> • AP/IB teacher bonuses ($50 per student that earns a passing score) <br /> • CTE teacher bonuses ($25 or $50 per student who earns certain credentials) <br /> Increases the maximum bonus an individual teacher may receive through the AP/IB and CTE <br /> bonus from $2,000 per teacher to $3,500 in any fiscal year. Removes the requirement that a <br /> 27 <br />