Orange County NC Website
Increased Cost for Unemployment Insurance $ 25,000 <br />The district experienced a significant reduction in the cost of unemployment claims last <br />year, but the unemployment insurance budget line is still insufficient. The local budget is <br />currently set at $7,559 and the current year's bill was $23,678. The district's local portion of <br />the unemployment bill for 2004 -05 was $56,285. Although the actual bill will fluctuate, this <br />budget request should adequately fund this account if the district continues to appeal <br />unwarranted claims, <br />Increased Cost for Workers' Compensation $ 100,000 <br />The workers' compensation insurance budget line has been under - budgeted for several <br />years. The district's current policy costs $271,824 per year; the current budget is $84,298. <br />This budget increase represents only 50% of what is actually needed in this budget line. <br />Additional requests will be made in future budget years until this line is adequately funded. <br />Subsidy for Child Nutrition Services $ 122,000 <br />The Board of Education approved a $162,000 Child Nutrition Services subsidy for this <br />current year An additional rate increase of 10 cents will be proposed for 2006 -07 which will <br />generate $40,000 in revenue reducing the subsidy requirement to $122,000 <br />Increased Cost for Copier Contract $ 85,000 <br />The district is currently under a lease contract with Xerox Corporation for copier <br />management services Several amendments have been made to the original contract to provide <br />adequate copier services to all schools including the opening of a new school. The sales tax <br />cost was inadvertently omitted from the bid proposal and has caused budget overruns. A <br />portion of the contract is paid from recurring capital funds which were reduced by the county in <br />recent years adding to the overall shortfall. <br />5% Increase for Expenses Allocated on a Per -Pupil Basis $ 30,000 <br />This request is to provide an inflationary increase to the per -pupil budget allocation <br />formulas that are used to allot budget to schools such as instructional supplies, janitorial <br />supplies, and field trips. This modest increase does not represent the total amount requested by <br />individual schools, but provides an across - the -board increase to all schools, Each per -pupil <br />funding formula rate will be adjusted to reflect this increase. <br />Increased Cost for Services to Homebound Students $ 10,000 <br />The current budget for homebound student services is insufficient. This increase will <br />align the budget with actual costs to maintain services at the current level. <br />Equipment, Supplies, and Transportation for Section 504 Students $ 10,000 <br />Section 504 funds will be used to provide access to education for identified students. <br />Student needs, such as hearing aids, writing boards, and transportation services, will be <br />provided with these funds. This budget fluctuates each year according to the specific needs of <br />students Currently, the budget does not include any dedicated funds for Section 504 students; <br />the funds are reallocated from other budget lines each year to meet the students' needs. The <br />amount of this request reflects a typical year's expenditures for Section 504 students, <br />