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Attachment 3 — 2113106 Facilitator's Meeting Notes <br />Attachment 4 — 3120106 Facilitator's Meeting Notes <br />Attachment 5 — 4103106 Facilitator's Meeting Notes <br />In May 1996, the Board of Commissioners adopted school construction standards for <br />elementary and middle schools in Orange County. High School construction standards were <br />approved in April 1999. Two separate School Facilities Task Forces that convened in 2000 <br />and in 2002 identified a number of issues related to both sets of standards that required <br />clarification and or updating (e.g. baseline estimates of per square foot cost, an appropriate <br />inflation factor, percentage of project budget that should be set aside for contingency, etc). <br />In follow up to the 2006 information sharing meetings noted above, the Collaboration Work <br />Group will consider the input it has received and provide direction to staff that will lead to <br />revised school construction standards, to be drafted over the summer by staff. The target is to <br />have proposed updates to school construction standards available for consideration by the <br />Board of Commissioners in Fall 2006. Those revised standards may shape the discussions <br />about capital funding that will be needed to construct the new school facilities identified in the <br />2006 -16 Capital Investment Plan. <br />Relating to discussion held at the April 10 County Commissioners meeting, the BOCC <br />requested that the County's smart growth principles be included on the April 25 joint work <br />session. A copy of those principles, as well as a copy of the CHCCS 9040 High Performance <br />Building Design Policy, is attached for reference, as both relate directly to school construction <br />standards considerations. <br />Attachment 6 - Orange County Smart Growth Attributes <br />Attachment 7 - CHCCS Policy Code: 9040 High Performance Building Design <br />b. School Funding and Budget Drivers <br />All three governing boards identified matters related to school funding as an important topic to <br />discuss at this joint work session. Time has been reserved for both Superintendents to <br />present information about the major budget drivers affecting their recommendations for <br />funding levels to be requested of the County by their respective boards. <br />Attachment 8 — OCS Local Current Expense 2006 -07 Projected Budget <br />Attachment 9 — CHCCS Superintendent's Budget Message 2006 -07 <br />The County Manager will also present information about anticipated budget drivers for County <br />operating and capital budgets for 2006 -07 and beyond — both school and non - school related. <br />There are potential education budget impacts not only from elements identified specifically in <br />the Superintendents' and Manager's recommended budgets (e.g. teacher pay increases; new <br />school start up costs; changes in student membership; school debt service; full <br />implementation of the BOCC's school /county capital funding policy; and funding for an impact <br />fee update study), but also from sources beyond the control of either school system or the <br />County. Some of these external factors have the impact of unfunded mandates. Initiatives to <br />monitor include, but are certainly not limited to: teacher pay raises proposed by the Governor; <br />any move to fund only one local school administrative unit in each county; student- teacher <br />ratio and class -size reduction requirements; and possible redirection of Public School Building <br />Fund moneys earmarked for local school construction. <br />