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DocuSign Envelope ID:F9ADA870-944A-40DD-98D0-3DB55F3AD8E5 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> Town/County priority/goal? <br /> The afterschool tutoring program specifically addresses the following priority: To <br /> fund education, mentorship, and afterschool programming, for about 85 <br /> youth facing a variety of challenges. The youth who will be served in this program <br /> are ones who come from low-income families and who are non-proficient or <br /> borderline proficient in reading and/or mathematics. By providing them with small <br /> group tutoring afterschool sessions, the hope is that these students will gain skills <br /> that will make them proficient in subject areas for their grade level by the end of the <br /> 2017-18 school year. <br /> e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel, <br /> Hill Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, <br /> Town of Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community <br /> priorities (i.e. Council/Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, <br /> i.e. Chapel Hill Human Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this <br /> program. <br /> The Chapel Hill Human Services Needs Assessment lists education as one of the <br /> top six human services needs. The report states that, while Chapel Hill-Carrboro is <br /> known for its excellent public school system, participants in the assessment felt "the <br /> education system and network of family services is not meeting the needs of all <br /> children and families. The report further outlines, under the "Quality, equitable <br /> education for all" section that the "public school system is not adequately equipped <br /> to effectively teach and support at-risk youth and LEP [Limited English Proficient] <br /> students". The Town of Chapel Hill Goals state that "creating a place for everyone" <br /> and "nurturing our community" are two priorities. The Carrboro Board of Aldermen <br /> outlined that their ultimate goal is "creating and maintaining Carrboro as a <br /> sustainable community that is a highly desirable place to live". <br /> By providing free afterschool tutoring with certified teachers to at-risk students in <br /> their home schools, this program will address the needs and goals outlined above. <br /> The smaller student-to-teacher ratio in the afterschool settings will provide for a <br /> nurturing environment where instruction can be better adapted to individual student <br /> learning styles. Tutoring will increase proficiency levels in reading and <br /> mathematics for these struggling students, making them more successful <br /> academically, and ultimately making them more qualified for college and/or jobs in <br /> the future. Data show that success in school is a key indicator for success and <br /> happiness in life as an adult, a dream we have for all the children in our community. <br /> f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from this program and how <br /> will they be identified and connected with the program? <br /> The target population for this program is at-risk students who are one or more <br /> grades below their peers in reading and math abilities. The majority of these <br /> children will be from low-income households, from minority populations, and many <br /> will be from homes where English is not the main language that is spoken. Students <br /> will be identified by their teachers, guidance counselors, or other school staff as <br /> ones who would benefit from additional afterschool instruction. The majority of <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/27/2017 11:04:56 AM P - ge 13 of 2 2 <br />