Orange County NC Website
6oL <br />2, That a tax suffl cleat to nay the principal end Interest o_^ said bond s <br />when due shall be annually levied end collected, <br />), That a statement of the debt of the County has been filed vd th the <br />C1 ark and is oven to pub lic ins oec flop. <br />4, That this order shall take effect thirty days after the first publica- <br />tion there of after final passage, unless in the meantime a petition for its <br />sub:nis lion to the voters is filed under said Act, and that in such event it she <br />take effect when annro ved by the voters of the County ¢t an election as provide <br />ir. said Act, <br />The Board thereupon designated the County Accountant as the officer to <br />mace and file wl th the Clerk the statement of deft and assessed valuation of <br />the County as required by the County Finance Act, as amended, to be filed <br />before the final passage of the bond order which was Introduced at this <br />meeting. <br />Thar euoon the County Accountant tiled •,vi th the Clark Sn the presence of <br />the Eoa rd the statement of debt and assessed tion ¢s so required, <br />Thereupon the order entitled: "ORDER Ai7TH0 RI ZING $3U., 000 SCHOOL PJJ1 LDIiJG <br />BOIJDS` was pe ss ed on first re adin ¢. <br />On motion duly made and unanimously carried the Board fixed 10 o'clock, <br />A.'rl., September 19, 1955, as the hour and day for the public hea ri na upon the <br />foregoing order, and directed the Clerk to publish said order, together with <br />the en oend ed note as required by The County FS pence Act, as amended, in the <br />News of Orange County not later than the tenth day before s¢Sd date." <br />After the passage of the Hond Order on its first reading a statement of <br />Snd eb tedn ass and valuation was filed by the Accountant. <br />After an inspection of the Land Sale List filed by E. B, Denny, Attorney, <br />aopro val o_° this list for cult rras ai van by the Board, Name and Township of <br />delinquent taxpayer are: <br />Name Townsh io <br />Theodore S. Rrenkl In Eno <br />Erne at fdorrow Cheeks <br />Ed A11en Chapel H111 <br />Joseph Barbee Chanel H111 <br />Sally Herbee Chapel H111 <br />Eleanor A. Lu tterl oh Chapel HS11 <br />James R. Lingle Chanel Hill <br />D, i. Carvell Chanel Hill <br />!4alt er Thomason Cheeks <br />Pryor Love Cheek9 <br />Fred J. Herndon Bingham <br />T. B. Ray Hingham <br />L. A, hughes Eingh am <br />Tho pas Purefoy, Jr, Chao el Fill <br />N1dc 1Vat is Chapel Hill <br />Cta rile Caldwell C.haoel Fill <br />Susan Atwater Chap al Hi11 <br />J. 4V. Stone Cheoel Hill <br />Felix :VS 111ams Cheoel Hi 11 <br />iLr s. A1. L, i711son Chanel HS11 <br />^darle Cotten 1'!1111. ems Cheoel Hi 11 <br />Thomas Ruffin HS llsboro <br />Arabella ',7eb¢ne Hillsboro <br />Sam Lu nsf ord Hillsboro <br />Robert Long Hillsboro <br />Hruce Jones Hillsboro <br />Paul Johnson, k:e Srs Rillsboro <br />3. J, Hedrick, heirs Hillsboro <br />George Gattis Hillsboro <br />VJ. H, S. Arank Hillsboro <br />Alexander Edwards H111sb pro <br />All persons being contacted as pro spectl ve members of the Agricultural and <br />ustri¢1 Commissian last month having accepted the following aopointm ants to <br />s Comni ss ion to expire December 31, 1955, are her ebg made: <br />^gham tdanley Spines, Rt 3, Hillsboro <br />Charlie Stanford, Rt ~1, Chapel Hill <br />71i1 ey Perry, Rt 2, Mebane <br />!'la !ter L1oy d, Rt 2, ttebane <br />3ar Grope Claude Pope, Cedar Grove <br />Lewis Kennedy, Rt 2, Hillsboro <br />Zeb Burton, Cedar Grove <br />Tom Ellis, Cedar Grove <br /> <br />~~ <br />