Orange County NC Website
f <br /> DocuSign Envelope ID: CE5B44DD-7CE5-417C-97E3-E68F3D29B718 <br /> PROJECT NARRATIVE <br /> Please attach a narrative providing the information requested below for the project you propose. Please be as concise <br /> and specific as possible: <br /> 1, Please give a brief description of your organization, inducting mission, board arid staff composition, current arts <br /> programs and services and number and kinde of people served, Public schools and other large governmental or <br /> community agencies should provide a description of their arts program only rather than the entire organization. (250 <br /> words or less) <br /> 2. Offer a brief summary of the proposed project, <br /> , State your project's goals, <br /> 4. Offer a description of intended participants/audience inducting estimated numbers and racial and cultural <br /> composition, For school applications please include the demographic breakdown of the student body, as well as the <br /> percentage of students on the Free and Reduced Lunch Program„ <br /> 5. Describe the location where project will take place. <br /> 6. Explain all project activities. ! <br /> 7, Describe all artists to be Involved in the project,how and why they were chosen, and the rate of payment for their <br /> services. If you have not yet selected the artists, dzscribe the kinds of artists you intend to involve and how you will <br /> select them. (Schools, please indicate if you are working with The ArtsCehter's Arts in School program to secure your <br /> artists) Pieese include the ethnicity of artists or instructors hired for the project. i <br /> a. Describe how the project will be publicized and promoted to reach intended participants, <br /> B. Describe how you will evaluate the project, <br /> PROJECT BUDGET <br /> Please provide a projected budget for your proposed prof:lick utiiizing the format below. You may attach an additional <br /> detailed budget if necessary, but the tables below roust be filled out Please see the attached Glossary of Budget Terms <br /> for more inforrratior„ <br /> PO4/ CT lExpiatists. ', itkomalo, ,0010.,1464postAto4Lort' *M6:101vAkodir, <br /> Admstralive Staff: 1 $ 1 $ $ <br /> I „reo, <br /> A. Personnel Artistic Sra ft,' ,,,,, $ 9,385 $ 9„385 <br /> TechhichuPmidection staff!! $ $ $ <br /> B. Outside Fees and Artistic Contracts: $ 2,725 $ $ 2„725 <br /> Services Other contracts: $ $ 900 $ 900 <br /> ..............._.............._....._ <br /> C. Space Rental $ $ 1,955 $ L855 <br /> 855 <br /> D. 'Travei $ i $ <br /> E, Marketing $ $ 2,450 $' ,450 <br /> 2 „„„„,_ <br /> I <br /> F. Remaining Project <br /> $ 275 $ 3,460 $ 3,735 <br /> Exoenses <br /> O. Total Cash Expenss $3000 $ 1S,050 $ 21„050 <br /> i iliajatto bp",oiliorz/f, /el, ip,,,,ipjfrei ri / #///i/// //,r 71 i ' /,j,/ A filtAriftrflerff„1/4 <br /> A. Admissions IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIII $ 4150 <br /> B. Contracted Services <br /> $ <br /> Revenue <br /> C. Other R;venue Program Ads, CD and DVD sales $ 925! <br /> avpbrafe SuppOit $ 150 <br /> D„, Private Support i FOundafiOn Suppart II $ <br /> Other Ovate support' ° $ 9 150 <br /> i , <br /> Federal: ,,,e <br /> 11 ie <br /> E. Government Support Staie/Regional: 11 $ <br /> Local(not incrudfrig this request): ' $ <br /> F. Applicant Cash I $ 3,575 <br /> 0, Grant Amount Reguristiid (— ---------- <br /> $ 3,000 <br /> 4. Total Cash Income (must <br /> equal'rota/Cash Expenses, $ 21,050 <br /> Item G above, <br /> ,,9„1 I/,,.;i kYkS,k:kk.kkk■11'1 k'„k1 VI,k.k r ( 1,„;'"1,1 A rq dic,,A N,Al Pk'le'kk'k k 1 ■ <br />