2017-454-E Arts - Estes Hills Elem. School PTA - 2017-18 Arts Grant Agreement
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2017-454-E Arts - Estes Hills Elem. School PTA - 2017-18 Arts Grant Agreement
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R 2017-454-E Arts - Estes Hills Elem. School PTA - 2017-18 Arts Grant Agreement
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onnunign Envelope ID:ooFnonrn-C9nD-4e7o*7oo-51EeccrerunE <br /> PROJECT NARRATIVE <br /> Please attach a narrative providing the information requested below for the project you propose. Please be as concise <br /> and specific as possible: <br /> 1. Please give a brief description of your organization, including mission, board and staff composition, current arts <br /> programs and services and number and kinds of people served. Public schools and other large governmental or <br /> community agencies should provide a description of their arts program only rather than the entire organization. (250 <br /> words or less) <br /> 2. Offer a brief summary of the proposed project. <br /> 3. State your project's goals. <br /> 4. Offer a description of intended participants/audience, including estimated numbers and racial and cultural <br /> composition. For school applications please include the demographic breakdown of the student body, as well as the <br /> percentage of students on the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. <br /> 5. Describe the location where project will take place. <br /> S. Explain all project activities. <br /> 7. Describe all artists to be involved in the project, how and why they were chosen, and the rate of payment for their <br /> services. If you have not yet selected the artists, describe the kinds of artists you intend to involve and how you will <br /> select them. (Schools, please indicate if you are working with The Arts Center's Arts in School program to secure your <br /> artists). Please include the ethnicity of artists or instructors hired for the project. <br /> O. Describe how the project will be publicized and promoted to reach intended participants. <br /> S. Describe how you will evaluate the project. <br /> PROJECT BUDGET <br /> Please provide a projected budget for your proposed project utilizing the format below. You may attach an additional <br /> detailed budget if necessary, but the tables below must be filled out. Please see the attached Glossary of Budget Terms <br /> for more information. <br /> PROJECT EXPENSES ' Explanation ` ' Grant Request Amount +Matching Funds =Total Expense <br /> Administrative Staff <br /> A. Personnel Artistic Staff. <br /> Technical/Production Staff. $ <br /> B. Outside Fees and Artistic Contracts: $1.000 $3.500 $4.500 <br /> Services Other contracts: $ $ $ <br /> C. Space Rental <br /> D. Travel <br /> E. Marketing <br /> F. Remaining Projec <br /> ^ <br /> Expenses <br /> G. Total Cash Expenses $1.000 $3.500 $4.580 <br /> A. Admissions � <br /> B. Contracted Services <br /> Revenue <br /> C. Other Revenue � <br /> Corporate Support: � <br /> O. Private Support Foundation Support: � <br /> Other private support: � <br /> Federal: � <br /> E. Government Support State/Regional: $ <br /> Local(not including this request): � <br /> F. Applicant Cash &3.500 <br /> G. Grant Amount Requested �1 <br /> (in this application) <br /> . ,000 <br /> H. Total Cash Income (must <br /> equal Total Cash Expenses, $^� ������ <br /> Item G abov� �� ������ <br /> 2O176morno|spm0/om Grant xpp|ico|ionrocke| 6 <br />
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