Orange County NC Website
PHA Name: Orange County, NC Streamlined Annual Plan for fiscal Yenr ?00G_ L2 <br />HA Codc: NCI04 (~ <br />[24 CFR Part 903.12(c), 903.7(b)(2)] <br />Exemptions: Section 8 only PHAs are not required to complete this component. <br />A. Site-Based Waiting Lists-Previous Year <br />1. Has the PHA operated one or more site-based waiting lists in the previous year? If yes, <br />complete the following table; if not skip to B. <br />Site-Based Waiting Lists <br />Development <br />Information: <br />(Nance, number, <br />location) Date <br />Initiated Initial mix of <br />Racial, Ethnic or <br />Disability <br />Demographics Current mix of <br />Racial, Ethnic or <br />Disability <br />Demographics <br />since Initiation of <br />SBWL Percent <br />change <br />between initial <br />and current <br />mix of Racial, <br />Ethnic, or <br />Disability <br />demo ra hies <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2. What is the number of site based waiting list developments to which families may apply <br />at one time? <br />3. How many unit offers may an applicant turn down before being removed from the site- <br />based waiting list? <br />4. ^ Yes ^ No: Is the PHA the subject of any pending fair housing complaint by HUD <br />or any court order or settlement agreement? If yes, describe the order, agreement or <br />complaint and describe bow use of asite-based waiting list will not violate or be <br />inconsistent with the order, agreement or complaint below: <br />B. Site-Based Waiting Lists -Coming Year <br />If the PHA plans to operate one or more site-based waiting lists in the coming year, answer each <br />of the following questions; if not, skip to next component.. <br />1. How many site-based waiting lists will the PHA operate in the coming year? <br />2. ^ Yes ^ No: Are any or all of the PHA's site-based waiting lists new for the upcoming <br />year (that is, they are not part of apreviously-I-ItJD-approved site based <br />waiting list plan)? <br />If yes, how many lists? <br />Page 4 of 17 form HUD-50075-SA (04/302003) <br />