Orange County NC Website
PFIA Name: Orange County, NC Streamlined Annual Plan fbr Piscal Year 2006_ ' ` <br />I1A Code; NC104 <br />List of Su ortin Documents Available for Review <br />Applicable Supporting Document Related Plmt Component <br />3c On <br />Dis lay <br /> ^ Checlc here if included in the ublic housing A & O Policy. Determination <br /> Section 8 rent determination (payment standard) policies (if included in plan, not Annual Plan: Rent <br />X necessary as a supporting document) and written analysis of Section 8 payment Determination <br /> standard olicies. ®Check here if included in Section 8 Administrative Plan. <br /> Public housing management and maintenance policy documents, including Annual Plan: Operations <br /> policies for the prevention or eradication of pest infestation (including cockroach and Maintenance <br /> infestation). <br /> Results of latest Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Assessment (or Annual Plan: Management <br /> other a licable assessment). and O erations <br /> Pollow-up Plan to Results of the PHAS Resident Satisfaction Survey (if Annual Plan: Operations and <br /> necessary) Maintenance and <br /> Community Service & Self= <br /> Sufficiency <br />X Results of latest Section 8 Management Assessment System (SEMAP) Annual Plan: Management <br /> and O erations <br />X Any policies governing any Section 8 special housing types Annual Plan: Operations <br /> ® Check here if included in Section 8 Administrative Plan and Maintenance <br /> Public housing grievance procedures Annual Plan: Grievance <br /> ^ Checlc here if included in [he ublic housin A & 0 Polic Procedures <br />X Section 8 informal review and hearing procedures Annual Plan: Grievance <br /> ® Check here if included in Soction 8 Administrative Plan. Procedures <br /> The Capital Fund/Comprehensive Grant Program Annual Statement Annual Plan: Capital Needs <br /> /Performance and Evaluation Re ort for an active gran[ ear. <br /> Most recent C1AP Budget/Progress Report (HUD 52825) for any active CLAP Annual Plan: Capital Needs <br /> rants. <br /> Approved HOPE Vl applications or, if more recent, approved or submitted Annual Plan: Capital Needs <br /> HOPE VI Revitalization Plans, or any other approved proposal for development <br /> of ublic housin . <br /> Self-evaluation, Needs Assessment and Transition Plan required by regulations Annual Plan: Capital Needs <br /> implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with <br /> Disabilities Act. See P[H Notice 99-52 (HA). <br /> Approved or submitted applications for demolition and/or disposition of public Annual Plan: Demolition <br /> housing. and Dis osition <br /> Approved or submitted applications for designation of public housing Annual Plan: Designation of <br /> (Desi nated Housing Plans). Public liousin <br /> Approved or submitted assessments of reasonable revitalization of public Annual Plan: Conversion of <br /> housing and approved or submitted conversion plans prepared pursuant [o Public Housing <br /> section 202 of the 1996 HUD Appropriations Act, Section 22 of the US Housing <br /> Act of 1937, or Section 33 of the US dousing Act of (937. <br /> Documentation for required Initial Assessment and any additional information Annual Plan: Voluntary <br /> required by HUD for Voluntary Conversion. Conversion of Public <br /> Housing <br /> Approved or submitted public housing homeownership programs/plans Annual Plan: <br /> Homeownershi <br /> Policies governing any Section 8 Homeownership program Annual Plan: <br /> (Section of the Scetion 8 Administrative Plan) Homeownershi <br /> Public Housing Community Service Policy/Programs Annual Plan: Community <br /> ^ Check here if included in Public liousin A & 0 Polic Service &Self--Sufficient <br /> Cooperative agreement behveen the PHA and the TANF agency and beRVeen Annual Plan: Community <br /> the PHA and local em loyment and training service agencies. Service & Self Sufficient <br /> FSS Action Plan(s) for public housing and/or Section 8 Annual Plan: Community <br /> Service &Self--Sufficient <br /> Section 3 documentation required by 24 CFR Part 135, Subpart E for public Annual Plan: Community <br /> housin . Service &Self--Sufficient <br /> Most recent self-sufficiency (ED/SS, TOP or ROSS or other resident services Annual Plan: Community <br /> ran[) rant ro ram re orts for ublic housin . Service Sr.Self-Sufficient <br />Page 10 of 17 form HUD-50075-SA (04/JO/2003) <br />