Agenda - 04-18-2006-7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-18-2006
Agenda - 04-18-2006-7c
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8/29/2008 2:40:24 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 9:21:17 AM
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G><zidelines <br />Lulaar Fnrirauunf: <br />G.10 Daytigluing anJ Vicw•s (5-11 Points) <br />l ntcnt of rrauircmcnts: <br />Acltieae a ymtliry of light chat is beneficial tta building activities and occu• <br />pants and provide a connection between indcxar spaces and the uutdour <br />errviromncn[ dtrough dtc introduction at sunlight and cicws inro the oc- <br />cupied areas oC the builJing <br />jjiquirrmcnn: <br />(G Points-) ^ 6 G 1 Achieve a minimum Daylight Factor of 2°/ (excluding all direct <br />sunlight pcnetndon), without creating cooling problems due to excessive <br />glaring, in 7S'% of all space occupied for critical visual tasks, not includ- <br />ing copy rooms, storage areas, mechanical, Inundr}t and other low occu- <br />pane}'supporz areas- Hxcepdons include those spaces where casks u•auld <br />be hindered by the use of daylight ur where accomplishing the specific <br />tasks within a space would 6c enhanced by the direct penetration of <br />sunlight, <br />(S Points) ^ G-102 Aclticvc a Jicecr line of sight to vision glazing from 9G'/o of all <br />re},nalarly occupied spaces, not including copy rooms, stortge arms, me- <br />chanical, laundry, and ocher low occupant}' support areas. <br />l'crhnnlnf~ica and strotrnicr. <br />Lnplentau design stntcgits to provide access to da}•light and cicws to <br />the outdoors in a glare-Free way through proper sizing and orientation <br />of windows, confi};vntion and massing of facility, exterior sun shading, <br />interior light shch•es, and/or window treaunents. Dfa:cimizc direct line of <br />sight and orient buildings to maximize daylighting options. Consider <br />sh:dluw or narrow building footprints. Gmplvy court}ards, atriums, clcrc- <br />storywindows, sk}'lights,and light shelves to achieve daylight pcnctndon <br />(from other than diract effect or direct ra}'s @om tlac sun) deep into <br />regularly ocnrpicd areas of the building. l;se appropratc reflective mato- <br />rials anJ surfetcs, provide appropriate anahicn[ light levels aubmtcntcd <br />widt tuk lights Avoid glare. Arnngc lixtuns to support use patterns. <br />Usc diffusers that rcducc glare and illuminate eeiHng~ :uxl umlls similar to <br />Ja}'lighting. Use lamps drat provide appropriate color rendition. Usc <br />electronic ballast to rcducc flicker and noise. <br />(~ivctnl?lcs: <br />^ Provide drnudngs with s narrative highlighting critical visual task areas <br />and t}'pical room sections highlighting shading devices Cor diced sun con- <br />trol. (G10_t) <br />^ Include area calculations defining the Jaydigh[ zone and daylight predio- <br />Lion calculations demonstrating a minimum Daylight Pactor of 2% in <br />these arcae (G.10-1) <br />OR <br />Vcreinn 2.0 High Performance Guidchnca: Triangle Region Public Faciliticx <br />0 <br />C' <br />"G 75 <br />
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