Orange County NC Website
i~t <br />Cost Impacts by Alternative <br />A summary of staffing assumptions for each alternative is presented in Table 4, followed <br />by cost impacts for all alternatives in Table 5. Por each alternative, assumptions were <br />made as to the number of existing administrative positions that would be carried forward <br />into the alternative. In addition, the costs for new adminishative positions are estimated <br />using the average administrative expense per employee. All of the alternatives assume <br />that the cost of operations will be the same as the current system (i,e. baseline operations <br />cost). <br />Table 4: Summary of Alternatives -Staffing <br /> <br />E <br />i <br />ti <br />$t <br />ff Numbcrof <br />Cu <br />re <br />t ALTERNATIVES (Staff Transitions) <br />x <br />s <br />ng <br />a r <br />n <br />Positions ..Moderate <br /> <br />Coordination Moderate <br /> <br />Consolidation <br />Consolidation <br />Durham County Access <br />Trans ortation Coordinator 1 I 1 - <br />Administrative Assistant 1 I - - - - <br />Orange Public Transit <br />Mana er I 1 1 - - <br />Assistant Mana er I 1 1 - <br />AdministrativeAssistant I I 1 -- <br />Wake Coordinated Transportation Services <br />Transportation Planner III 1 I 1 - - <br />TransportationCoordinator I 1 1 -- <br />Transportation Supervisor I 1 1 1 <br />Senior Account Tech I I - - - - <br />Transportation Broker I I 1 1 <br />SUBTOTAL 10 10 8 2 <br />NEW STAFF <br />Administrative Services - - - - - - - - <br />Su ort Services - - I t - - <br />O orations/Schedulin -- I <br />S ecial Pro'ects - - 1 I I <br />Service Deliver -- -- -- 2 <br />SUBTOTAL 0 2 2 4 <br />TOTAL STAFFING NEEDS <br />Transition and New Sta l0 12 ]0 6 <br />The current administrative staffing needs discussed above do not include several support <br />functions currently provided by the contractors (Laidlaw in Durham County and IVIV <br />Transportation smaller vendors in Wake County).. These functions include call intake, trip <br />scheduling and agency billings. It is assumed that during the transition period contractors <br />will continue to provide these services to TTA. In the future, TTA will have an <br />opportunity to restructure and consolidate such functions to maximize the cost efficiency. <br />Triangle Regiorralli arrsportatiorr Developnrerrt Plan -Executive Sunmrary 1.5 <br />