Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:AD99FE27-E625-45CC-B353-AEE3ADA2F2DA <br /> responses to email newsletters. We chart audience numbers and donations. We seek comments <br /> and t"eedback from our audience at ever-y stage, both in person at dcvclol,)metital readings and <br /> talk backs and through social media. For YADY11 11 this will involve increased outreach to <br /> veterans groups, Traqi Americans, and Iraqi expatriates and careful evaluation of their responses� <br /> We will consider the prqject a comprehensive success (a) ifour outreach efforts succeed, and <br /> veterans, lraqi-Arnericans, and civilians are in the audience together; (b) ifthat diverse audience <br /> is engaged by the work and engaging with each other, and (c) if the production continues at. other <br /> traditional and nontraditional venues (military bases, community centers, cle.) and has a ffiture <br /> life, We would measure this success by analy'sis of the audience demographics, audience <br /> responses in talkbacks and on social media, statements of the artists themselves, and from critical <br /> response. <br /> 11'we are able to salisfy ,the artists and reach veterans, American military families, fraclis, and <br /> general theatre goers alike, we will have accomplished, with the help of the Orange County Ails <br /> Conin-tission, sornething of pressing need and lasting value. <br /> 8 <br />