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<br /> ARTIS T UN 1 14.D
<br /> Voices for lan,derstanding by ■i'north Carolina artisans
<br /> Don Eovvles'L!IIJI I do Jorcily
<br /> Art mast repeal ihe human condition.
<br /> thir sticitgar as citizens laud as artists ri.5e5 rion afir ability to question it debate iSSINCS,
<br /> Ohfrarlicii'ons and frinhOS that 031tfrollt us. As journalists, anthr opologisis,bistorians,,and artists,
<br /> Tae are dedicated to a life of cultural expression, his'ight„4Thd social coluseiousuess,
<br /> Proposal: artist UNITEID is producing a multi county event where"Triangle region artists are invited h express her idea,s,
<br /> create.and exhibit.,Our inauguration theme is: rite Wads We Rniirt. Galleries, museums,schools„ pop up artist ore invited, to
<br /> pmsent their'work during the "Art Walk"events in Raleigh,Durham,Chapel I 1W, Carrboro, rittsboro and Flillshorough,
<br /> The artist UNITED protect.The Walls YVc B is designed to be a month long exhibition of art planned for II.11110 2018.
<br /> Mission.Manifesto
<br /> artist UNITED calls for as Triangle region collaboration-a network of artist, galleries, museums, stlad10.5,,educators and
<br /> students to create,publish and exhibit wilh the-Lhell.W,intended: "The'Walls We Build". The Walls We.Build,
<br /> a literary and visual collaboration, inspired by the 201.6 national election ,for preddent of the United 1,3tates.
<br /> Our interest is in examining the kinds of walls that we,our humans species,build - physical and economic,
<br /> social, and metaphorical and politkal Recognizing that all kinds of walls exist around the world, we have
<br /> chosen to limit our project to our home state of North Carolina.
<br /> artist UNITED are dedicated to a life of cultural expression,insight, and social consciousness.,
<br /> artist UNITED are documentarian ,dancers, clay artist, creative writers, octors,troua$icia-ns, wood and glass artist, painters,.
<br /> anthropologists, historians., photographers and journalist.
<br /> artist UNITED will stimulate thought and inspire action. For when the imagination and the intellect are touched art can
<br /> transcend barriers and bring us together.
<br /> artist UNITED documents our generation. We will leave a legacy,. an archived collection of art,an reference kit Future
<br /> generations to view of our comnritinities„organizations and institutions.
<br /> Otur strength as or arises)(RPM our question avid debate issues,contrialictiouls and (ranks
<br /> Vial confront us.. Art offers pee&a coulter:ion to their past. Art offers p,)copic the rtbrh ty o envision
<br /> their_thrum mai 0 rarity to expirss their imaghtatimx Art COU help to 47 1701Stnl'S frSS„
<br /> Art encourages people to think,express and Inc creative- the essence of education,.
<br /> artist UNITED N committed to producing and promoting art that reflects the lives and concerns of North,Carolni.a.'s
<br /> ethnically and economically diverse pupu latiuns i n du ding: women,the poor,youth, the elderly, and the
<br /> ,I.BGT community.
<br /> artist UNITED,gives voice,Iii the issues of our generation: int migration, religion, the challenging light for hittrian rights
<br /> and dignity including the physically and intellectually challenged, the inherent right to an education.,
<br /> politics and the law
<br /> artist UNITED is committed to education,communication and collaboration. Art is an "nears, a language,inspiring leader
<br /> ship and participation„ leading to community forimis creating a vehicle for the bcfterment of community
<br /> through an audience based participatory process, Underlying all of our activities is the profound conviction.
<br /> that art voices.nood,to be heard that out many interests are varied and critical to the creation of a civil society,
<br /> artist UNITED will promote art for peace,preservation and human rights.
<br /> artist LlN!TED , in,rwmartistunitecierg dorm youne,ttgrna iL corn I 14 N16411254 2127 Di or Rd.C,:llorpol Hill N(.:2751,4
<br />