Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:2E407B29-3C97-401B-BDOA-E5978859CCA6 <br /> arts with positive youth development principles, supporting creativity and building critical <br /> learning and life skills. For underserved youth, the arts can promote engagement, offering <br /> educational opportunities that can set the stage for social change and development of youth <br /> voice/self-expression, and allowing them to engage their communities through art that reflects <br /> and is relevant to their lives. In the words of artist Geoffrey C. Smith, "Art is important. It was <br /> man's first form of communication and still one of the most powerful forms today." <br /> 3. Project Goals <br /> Young people have a great deal to say, but have few places to be heard. Too often,their stories <br /> are told by others. They have few healthy opportunities to assume responsibility and <br /> demonstrate leadership, to experience accomplishment and affirmation, and to develop their <br /> creative voice. <br /> The goal of this project is thus to engage underserved youth through the interplay between art <br /> education, creation and performance. Specifically: <br /> 1) Help youth gain a voice through writing/poetry that documents their experiences. <br /> 2) Encourage reflection on the subjects of their writings, and gain understanding of their <br /> circumstances and the forces that shape them. <br /> 3) Inspire them to share their creative pieces through performance. <br /> 4. Intended participants/audience, including estimated numbers and racial and cultural <br /> composition. <br /> At least 50 students will participate in spoken word and writing workshops during the school <br /> year. We estimate the demographic breakdown to be as follows: <br /> 60%African-American <br /> 30% Latino/Hispanic <br /> 10%White <br /> 60% Male <br /> 40% Female <br /> As the majority of students we serve are economically disadvantaged, we estimate the majority <br /> of participants will qualify for the National School Lunch Program (free or reduced lunch). <br /> 5. Describe the location where project will take place. <br /> The project will take place at Boomerang, located in Chapel Hill. Performances will take place at <br /> the NC Botanical Garden, and the 2nd Friday ArtWalk, if possible, in collaboration with Floraffiti. <br /> 6. Explain all project activities. <br /> Under the guidance of a qualified artist, students will learn the principles of spoken word <br /> poetry and public performance to create stories about themselves, their lives, their families, <br /> and communities. The project stresses creativity and collaboration, guiding students from <br /> imagination to actual production. <br /> 20 I 7 Cluyt)ok Pru(4roill6mni A,I)p11( (11IGH Packo 1 <br />