DocuSign Envelope ID: 59E57F53-A0B6-4CC1-AF71-8317BFA38938
<br /> f
<br /> Please attach a narrative providing the information requested below for the project you propose, Please be as concise
<br /> and specific as possible;
<br /> 1, Please give a brief description of your organization, including mission, board and staff com,position„ current arts
<br /> programs and services and number and kinds of people sensed. Public schools and other large governmental or
<br /> community agencies should provide a description of their arts program only rather than the entire organization. (250
<br /> words or less)
<br /> 2„ Offer a brief summary of the proposed project.
<br /> 3. State your project's goals.
<br /> 4, Offer a description of intended participants/audience, including estimated numbers and racial and cultural
<br /> composition. For school applications please include the demographic breakdown of the student body, as well as the
<br /> percentage of students on the Free and Reduced Lunch Program.,
<br /> 5, Describe the location where project will take place.
<br /> 6. Explain all project activities,
<br /> 7. Describe all artists to be involved in the project, hew and why they were chosen, and the rate of payment for their
<br /> services. if you have not yet selected the artiste, describe the kinds of artists you intend to involve and how you wit
<br /> select them. (Schools, please indicate if you are walking with The ArtsCent-Cs Arts in Schad program to secure your
<br /> artists) Please include the ethnicity of artists or instructors hired for the project.
<br /> Et. Describe how the project will be publicized and promoted to reach intended participants 9. Describe how you will evaluate the project.
<br /> Please provide a projected budget for your proposed project utilizing the format below, You may attach an additional
<br /> detailed budget if necessary, but the tables below must be filled out. Please see the attached Glossary of Budget Terms
<br /> for more information.
<br /> PROJECT EX eENses,, ExPlleinatier , 'Giant Ariourt ' 47,gatoOirti Funds ,ei Total Expense
<br /> Administrative Stan $0.00 $0,00 $0.00
<br /> _„,..
<br /> A. Personnel Artistic Stall $o00 $0.00 $0.00
<br /> Te oh n ica I/Production Staff, $000 $000 $01[1
<br /> B„, Outside Fees and Contracts: $0.00 $0.00 $0,00
<br /> Services Other contracts.' $rhon $0.00 $0.0
<br /> ......„„„„„.......„„
<br /> C. Space Rental $1,050.00 $4,445„00 $5,796,00
<br /> O Travel $0,00 $a on $(no
<br /> E. Marketing $225,00 $225.00 $450.00
<br /> F. Remaining Project
<br /> Expenses $1,425,00
<br /> $2,0E1.00 $3,506.00
<br /> G. Total Cash Expenses $3,000.00 $6,75100 $9,752,00
<br /> 0E00,0000 fff,,,,ff f lffiff,5%/,//05,,,
<br /> ///''7/ W V71r/27/2 // //"/// r 401/ff ,///' ,
<br /> r7it:,!,0:1 , C61/ 1 ,■'',Lit ii),,F /7 // ff', FlilytiO 1 l'Apj,ff/ , ,///..„ // .„/ 2/// ,,,,/ -...,:j 9,, 9,.1 Ay'.1001,0/u0iy/,
<br /> 00004,00,0e I///ad 5ffff,ffikdb lff/W/ , , ,ff ff,/,57 a w,,,,A, / /'ff/■,,,,,,, / 1<ff(/ , /le,4/ / ,/k .0/oa,,k,, 4, %Izzl, gA/t1,_LztAll,Y/d
<br /> A. Admissions 50,75000
<br /> B, Contracted Services
<br /> SO ,
<br /> C, Other Revenue $0,00
<br /> Corporate Support .. S000,
<br /> , .
<br /> D, Private Support Foundation Support' 50,00
<br /> Other private support: 5 0.00
<br /> ..........___, „ , !
<br /> Federal 5000
<br /> E. Government Support SiatoRegionol: S0,00
<br /> Local(not Including this request) $0.00
<br /> F, Applicant Cash 50,00
<br /> G. Grant Amount Requested $3000 $3000,00
<br /> Or this application) .
<br /> ..........._
<br /> H. Total Cash Income (must !
<br /> equal Total Cash Expenses, 5 9„750,00
<br /> Lgo.1 Arl4!tal2 IC:ril,2111t1110211Ve)' , ,,,,,,,,,,,IU =MP,,,, ^ m . raaVameefinXIYMMIMEIIII ' 5,11111IMEMIIPMFAMMON.rn,ff.m"- 5
<br /> ,
<br /> Nil I '.3kflSVCC'',", 'I°cram iC:;,1 011 A i 4,..L,c;i,h(.04 i'i'.)(k(4
<br />