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Page 10 of 18 ~ a <br />Consolidated Agreement -Final <br />D. PERSONNEL POLICIES <br />I. The Department shall adhere to and fully comply with State personnel policies as found in North Cazolina <br />General Statute, Chapter 126, and 1 NCAC 8. Such policies include, but aze not limited to, the following: <br />a. Equal employment opportunity, <br />b. Affirmative action, <br />c. Policies for local government employment subject to the State Personnel Act, <br />d. "Local Classification and Salary Range," <br />e. "Compensation Policy for Local Competitive Services Employees," and <br />f: "Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures. " <br />Environmental Health Specialists employed by the Department shall be delegated authority by the State to <br />administer and enforce State environmental health rules and laws as directed by the State pursuant to G.S. <br />130A-4(b). 7his delegation shall be done according to I SA NCAC 10.0100. <br />a. Local health depaztments aze responsible for sending their newly employed environmental health <br />specialists (interns) to centralized training within 180 days from date of employment, <br />b. Arrangements for centralized training for newly-employed environmental health specialists will be <br />handled by the Education and Training Staff, Division of Environmental Health, <br />c, A local health department which is contracting with an environmental health specialist employed by <br />another department shall be responsible for assuring that all original documents, correspondence, and <br />other public records be maintained in the health depaztment using the contractor and the contract shall <br />stipulate that the contractor shall be available for consultation to the public being served, <br />3. The Deparhnent shall comply with Minimum Standazd Health Department Staffing I OA NCAC Section 46 <br />0301(c), and shall assure that all nursing staff who provide public health services funded by this agreement <br />comply with this rule. <br />E. CONFIDENTIALITY <br />All information as to personal facts and circumstances obtained by Department personnel in connection with the <br />provision of services or other activity under this agreement shall be privileged communication, shall be held <br />confidential, and shall not be divulged without the client's, or responsible person's, written consent; except as <br />may be otherwise required by applicable law or regulation. Such information may be disclosed in summary, <br />statistical, or other form which does not directly or indirectly identify particulaz individuals. Deparhnent <br />employees must sign confidentiality pledges documenting the knowledge of, and the agreement to maintain, <br />personal and medical confidentiality. <br />F. CIVIL RIGHTS <br />I The Depaztment shall assure that no person, on the grounds of race, color, age, religion, sex, marital status, <br />immigration status, national origin or otherwise qualified handicapped individual, solely by reason of his/her <br />handicap (unless otherwise medically indicated), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits <br />of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity covered by this agreement. <br />