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12 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC can still express its fiscal and verbal support to <br /> both chambers, but not keep spending money while unsure from whence it came. <br /> Commissioner Price said her concern is that the BOCC is unsure of what is being given <br /> and the benefits, and thus it is unclear what the consequences of any change may be, and the <br /> County may jeopardize relationships with other members of the Chambers. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he agreed with Commissioner Jacobs, and he would <br /> want to know more information about the donations being made by the County departments <br /> before making a final decision. He said it is appropriate to make the County's $9,500 <br /> commitment to the Chambers, and then sort out the other ancillary dues. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the discussion at Thursday night's BOCC meeting, where <br /> the Board chose not to fund these organizations, was done on the fly, and he voted on <br /> information that was given at that time, but was not factual. He said this Board prides itself on <br /> transparency and process, and the Board can vote tonight. He said Commissioner Price's <br /> motion goes to process, and it would let staff have time to develop a process and address this <br /> with a budget amendment. <br /> Chair Dorosin said he was surprised to learn that various departments were paying <br /> dues to both Chambers. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked Travis Myren if he had a rough estimate of the total of these dues. <br /> Travis Myren said staff is putting together an itemized list, but the dues totaled about <br /> $20-25,000 in 2016, with most of that coming from the Visitors Bureau. <br /> Chair Dorosin said that is a lot of money, and this needs to be analyzed. He said he <br /> would be willing to support some lesser amount than the proposed level, in recognition of the <br /> historical collaboration. <br /> Chair Dorosin said he is not comfortable with the County being a member of an <br /> advocacy organization. He said he appreciates the services provided by the Chambers, but <br /> the County can always contract for those services if need be. He said an analysis is needed. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she started working on this a couple of months ago, and at <br /> that time she thought they had the correct information, but they did not. She said she had no <br /> idea last week that other departments were paying dues, besides the Department of Economic <br /> Development. She said she has a problem going back to the $8,500, but she is supportive of <br /> maintaining a good relationship, and could compromise on a lesser amount. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she cannot support Commissioner Price's motion. <br /> Commissioner McKee said this is not the only advocacy organization that the Board <br /> supports with County dollars, and said another example is the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood <br /> Association (RENA). He said the Chambers will advocate for or against County positions, <br /> according to the interest of its membership. He said Commissioner Price's motion allows the <br /> Board to look at the issue, and the conversation can continue as early as the first meeting in <br /> September. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said it should not be a long or complicated process to sort <br /> this out, and asked if staff could have an answer in a month or two. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff will take care of the analysis over the summer, and bring <br /> it back to the Board at its first meeting in September. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if it is Commissioner Jacobs' intent to eventually get to <br /> one payment. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he has a substitute motion to make, and would propose one <br /> payment. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he agreed with Commissioner McKee to a degree, but the <br /> Board cannot pay annual fees, and then revisit if it is paying annual fees at a September <br /> meeting. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs proposed a friendly substitute motion: <br />