Agenda - 09-11-2017 - Agenda
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 09-11-2017 - QPH Mtg.
Agenda - 09-11-2017 - Agenda
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Last modified
9/6/2017 11:09:38 AM
Creation date
9/6/2017 11:09:25 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Minutes 09-11-2017
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805 (2014) in which the Court held "Zoning regulations are in derogation of common law rights and they cannot be <br /> construed to include or exclude by implication that which is not clearly [within] their express terms. It has been held <br /> that well-founded doubts as to the meaning of obscure provisions of a Zoning Ordinance should be resolved in favor <br /> of the free use of property." <br /> Session Law 2017-108 changed the law related to agritourism and also local authority by adding new language to the <br /> laws related to agriculture and amending the definition of agritourism. On a positive note, the law removed <br /> language that was most easily subject to abuse, that being that a property with a Federal Farm Identification <br /> Number as issued by the US Department of Agriculture automatically qualifies as a bona fide farm. <br /> The new law exempts from local regulation farm buildings used for agritourism purposes if the operation is on a <br /> property that "(i)is owned by a person who holds a qualifying farmer sales tax exemption certificate from the <br /> Department of Revenue pursuant to G.S. 105-164.13E(a)or(ii)is enrolled in the present-use value program pursuant <br /> to G.S. 105-277.3." This language has the effect of exempting from local regulation large buildings if they are <br /> situated on a farm and the owner meets either of these two qualifications. <br /> The new law broadly defines agritourism as follows: "For purposes of this section, "agritourism"means any activity <br /> carried out on a farm or ranch that allows members of the general public,for recreational, entertainment, or <br /> educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural activities, including farming, ranching, historic, cultural, harvest-your- <br /> own activities, or natural activities and attractions." It goes on to define a building used for agritourism activities as <br /> "any building or structure used for public or private events, including, but not limited to, weddings, receptions, <br /> meetings, demonstrations of farm activities, meals, and other events that are taking place on the farm because of its <br /> farm or rural setting." <br /> UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE RELATED TO AGRITOURISM <br /> As noted above the State of North Carolina has determined that local governments may not regulate agricultural <br /> activities. In addition to the production of crops and/or the raising livestock, North Carolina law includes many <br /> activities within the definition of agriculture, as contained in G.S. 106-581.1,that are considered agriculture or <br /> farming. Among them, G.S. 106-581.1(6) provides that agritourism, when conducted on the farm, is agriculture. <br /> This means that agritourism activities are agriculture as a matter of law and if the agritourism venture occurs on the <br /> farm, no other agricultural activity is required to be active or ongoing. Pursuant to this statute if an agritourism <br /> activity occurs on a property that qualifies as a bona fide farm, a local government may not regulate that activity. <br /> Orange County's land use enforcement staff members recognize the State restrictions on local government authority <br /> and thus the corresponding limitations on their enforcement authority. It is for this reason that some activities that <br /> may look commercial in nature can occur on a property that qualifies as a bona fide farm and County staff are unable <br /> to take action to regulate or restrict the activity. In acknowledgement of state law various provisions of the Unified <br /> Development Ordinance (UDO), most notably Section 1.1.8, excludes agricultural activities from the UDO's <br /> development regulations. <br /> The UDO also specifically allows what may be considered nonfarm activities to occur on a farm. For several years <br /> the Board of Commissioners sought ways to expand the financial opportunities available to farmers in Orange <br /> County. This culminated in, among other things, the adoption of various text amendments into the UDO including <br /> creation of the Agricultural Support Enterprises (ASE) Conditional Zoning District that benefits farmers by allowing <br /> them to conduct farm activities on non-farm properties as well as various land uses permitted by right (i.e. staff <br />
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