Agenda - 04-10-2006 - 9e2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-10-2006
Agenda - 04-10-2006 - 9e2
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8/29/2008 4:04:56 PM
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8/29/2008 9:20:26 AM
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2 <br />Greene Tract Conservation Easement <br /> <br />The Greene Tract is a 164-acre parcel owned ,jointly by Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange <br />County. An Interlocal Agreement from 1999 and aniended in 2000, provides guidelines for <br />division of the property located at the eastern terminus of Purefoy Road, adjacent the railroad. <br />A Greene Tract Work Group that included representatives of all the parties to the Interlocal <br />Agreement began meeting in 2001 to discuss the proposed basic uses of affordable housing, open <br />space and recreation space. Chapel Hill, Carrbom and Orange County adopted resolutions <br />supporting these basic uses in concept: <br />• 18.1 acres on the northwest portion of the site adjacent the Purefoy Road neighborhood <br />would be reserved for Affordable Housing; and <br />• 85,9 acres would be reserved for open space. <br />• 60 acres has been conveyed to Orange County. The Board of County Corrunissioners' <br />position on the status of this land is stated in a March 24, 2000 letter to the Town that "it <br />is the intent of the current Board of Commissioners that this sixty acres remain <br />undisturbed," <br />Included in the Work Group's resolution of June 26, 2002, was a recommendation that the open <br />space azea "should be protected by a conservation easement transferred fast between July 1, <br />200.3 and June 3Q 2005. The conservation easement would protect the land in perpetuity." To <br />date, the conservation easement has not been executed, According to the Interlocal Agreement, <br />once a conservation easement is approved by the three parties, reimbursement to the Solid <br />Waste/L,andfill Enterprise Fund would begin. Chapel Hill's interest would be approximately <br />$363,892 as we understand it. <br />We will work with the managers in Carrboro and Orange County to determine options and a <br />schedule for proceeding. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />We recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution appointing members of the <br />Council to initiate discussions with elected officials from Cazrboro and Orange County regarding <br />a Sma11 Area Plan process for the Rogers Road neighborhood, including the Greene Tract, and <br />requesting that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners appoint representatives for this purpose. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />1. January 12, 2006 memorandum to the Mayor and Town Council (begin new page 1). <br />
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