Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM <br />To: Craig N. Benedict, Plarming Director <br />From: Glenn Bowles, Plamrer II <br />Date: April 4, 2006 <br />Subject: Suggestions regarding the proposed addendum to the TDR Feasibility <br />Study <br />The County's consultant on the TDR Feasibility Study has proposed to revise the existing <br />contract to deduct one public meeting, add two Task Force meetings, add one external <br />meeting, and perfornr additional digitized mapping. The proposed contract revision will <br />come to a total not to exceed $4,971.10. <br />The contract stipulates that the consultant shall <br />1. Conduct six Staff Meetings (SM), of which Four maybe via conference calls, <br />2. Conduct four Task Force (TF) meetings, and <br />3, Conduct two Public Meetings (PM). <br />To date the consultant has conducted the following Iask Force meetings: <br />Contracted MeetinES to Date <br />Meetin Meetin Date Discussion To ics <br />First TF August 30, 2005 Background Data and Analysis <br />Second <br />November 7, 2005 Sending Area Concepts, Task Force Charge, Issue <br />TF Identification <br />Third TF 7anuary 5, 2006 Receiving Area Characteristics <br />Fourth Receiving Area Maps, TDR Administration, <br />TF February 8, 2006 Policy/Design Options <br />The consultant has scheduled no public meetings, and proposes to schedule the following <br />meetings: <br />Consultant Pro osal <br />Meetin Possible Date Discussion To ics <br />Fifth TF Early April Scoring Models for Sending/Receiving Area, <br /> Economic Model Scenarios <br /> Mid- to Late- Summarize Mapped Areas and Policy Options, Final <br />Sixth TF April Financial Model <br />External PM Coordinate with Efland-Mebane Task Force <br />Efland-Mebane May <br />Planning Staff offers an alternative schedule as noted on the next page, <br />